Half- Life

Cards (8)

  • Half-life
    The time it takes for the number of nuclei of a radioactive isotope in a sample to halve
  • Determining half-life
    1. Observe the time it takes for the number of undecayed nuclei to halve
    2. Observe the time it takes for the count rate to halve
  • Longer half-life
    Radioactive decay occurs more slowly
  • Shorter half-life
    Radioactive decay occurs more rapidly
  • Radioactive decay is a random process, so scientists cannot predict when a specific nucleus will decay
  • Graphs showing half-life
    • Graph of number of undecayed nuclei over time
    • Graph of count rate over time
  • Calculating decrease in count rate after a given number of half-lives
    Count rate halves after each half-life
  • A radioactive isotope has a half-life of 15 days and an initial count rate of 200 counts per second. After 45 days, the count rate will be 25 counts per second.