Begins with the case history of one of Joseph Breuer's patients, Anna O.
Emotional release
Force that prevents patients from being aware of unconscious memories
Royal road to the unconscious
Manifest dream
The remembered part; disguised fulfillment of repressed wishes
Latent dream
Meaning or motive behind the manifest dream
Bodily process that could be totally understood under a model of tension reduction
Emotional and psychic energy derived from the biological drive of sexuality
Drive's Four Features
Source: bodily stimulus or need
Impetus: amount of energy or intensity of the need
Aim: goal and purpose (reduce excitation)
Object: person or object which the aim may be satisfied
Investing libidinal energy in a mental representation of an object that will satisfy a desire
Totality of elements included in the sexual drive
Two Basic Groups of Impulsive Drives
Eros: Life impulses or drives
Thanatos: Death impulses or drives
Polymorphous perverse
How children actively seek pleasure from many areas of the body; children's activities differ in many respects from reproductive sexual activity
Seeking pleasure from own bodies
Lingering effects of the psychosexual stages revealed in adult character types or traits
Oedipus Complex
Fantasy life of children that sets the stage for the Oedipus complex
Penis envy
The disappointment and shame girls feel upon viewing the "superior" penis leads to jealousy, sense of inferiority, feeling of resentment and hatred toward the mother
Electra Complex
The feminine version of the Oedipus Complex
Core of our being; oldest and original function of the personality and the basis of the ego and superego
The "I" that emerges to realistically meet the wishes and demands of the id in accordance with the outside world
Represents internalized values, ideals, and moral standards
pleasureprinciple - immediate tension reduction ; when the libido (psychic energy) builds up, it reaches an uncomfortable level of tension; the id seeks to discharge the tension and return to a more comfortable level of energy
realityprinciple- satisfying the id’s impulses in an appropriate manner in the external world; postpones the discharge of tension until the appropriate object that will satisfy the need has been found
Super-ego consist of two subsystems- the conscience and ego-ideal
erogenous zones: areas of bodies that provide pleasure