Cards (32)

  • why conservative strengths were important (1951 election)
    -appealed to a wide demographic by taking on younger politicians
    -promised 350,000 houses which was more than labour
    -acceptance of post war consensus
    -promised to stop rationing red meat
  • why conservative strengths werent important (1951 election)
    - manifesto was just an acceptance of labour policies
    - didnt win the popular vote (fptp)
  • first-past-the-post system
    An electoral system where the candidate with the most votes wins regardless of whether that person has a majority of the votes cast
  • labour weakness (1951 election)
    -continued rationing
    -brought britain into korean war
    -divided party, split on eyecare and dentistry as part of nhs, how far right/left wing the party was
  • why labour weakness wasnt important (1951 election)
    -labour policies are popular
    - performed better than 1945- 13.9 mil votes, most votes ever polled
    -divisions werent a major issue
  • how was the electoral system important (1951 election)
    -labour win popular vote but not the most seats
    -1948 representation of the people act
    -labour had to work harder for votes
    -liberal decline
  • how electoral system was less important (1951 election)
    -conservative growth in popularity
  • Bevanites
    The Left Wing of the Labor party.
    Believed in staying commited to socialism
    Led by Aneurin Bevan.
  • Gaitskellites
    The right wing of Labor party.
    Wanted to reform the party as socialism had run its course and wanted to abandon clause IV
  • 1948 Representation of the People Act
    End of plural voting
  • Zeitgeist
    the general spirit of the time
  • why did conservatives dominate for so long?
    -timing of elections escaped backlash from suez
    -appealing policies (350,000 houses)
    -continuity with nhs
    -end to rationing
    -churchill was a wartime hero
    -increased expenditure on public
    -labour divisions
    -labours reputation for austerity
    -boom in economy
    -rise of credit
    -rise in homeowners
    -people are content with conservatives
  • Churchill strengths
    - won the war- nostalgia
    -acceptance of post war consensus
    -experience makes him trustworthy
  • churchill failure
    - just a figurehead, most of his work carried out by butler
    -doesnt have large majority
    -less of peacetime prime minister
  • Eden strengths
    - foreign secretary 3 times- experienced
    - increases conservative majority
    -appealed to female voters-women found him attractive
  • eden failures
    suez crisis
  • Suez Crisis
    secret negotiations between france israel and britain, israel attack egypt and britain and france come to their aid and take over the Suez canal
  • macmillan strengths
    -utilised tv and media
    -booming economy
    -increased conservative majority
    -recognisition of decolonisation
  • macmillan failure
    -profumo affair
    - gets Douglas home elected over butler and lord haversham
    -night of the long knives
    -rejected from eec
    -downturn in economy
  • Profumo Affair
    The scandal in 1961 with John Profumo engaging in a sexual affair with a 19 year old
  • night of the long knives
    Macmillan's cabinet reshuffle when he sacked a third of his cabinet
  • douglas home strength
    -defeat is narrow
    -efficient in short premiership
    - safe option
  • douglas home failure
    -out of touch
    -up against wilson
  • Stop-go economics
    Derived it's name from the tensions between an expanding economy (go) and the results of the economy overheating (stop)
  • vassall affair
    spy for soviet union protected by admirality
  • Philby Case
    Government took the blame for the security office's failure to identify a traitor in the foreign office for so long.
  • Argyll divorce case
    - 1963: Duke of Argyll sued his wife for divorce for adultery
    - A list of 88 names was produced of whom she had an affair with including multiple cabinet ministers
  • why conservative weakness led to labour victory in 1964
    -aristocratic leadership didn't fall in line with treatment of the public- made the public feel alienated having an upper class prime minister while they were unemployed and poor
    -complacency exacerbated already declining global economy
    -scandal shows the government can't be trusted
  • conservative weakness in 1964 election
    - high unemployment
    - complacency, ignored issues with unions and lack of investment in industry
    - no long term economic plans
    -aristocratic leadership
  • labour strengths in the 1964 election
    -socialist policies in line with zeitgeist
    -harold wilson was from a working class background
    -internal disputes were somewhat solved, both bevanites and gaitskellites in the cabinet
    -gaitskell dies in 1963
  • What movement is mentioned in relation to the Cold War context?
    CND movement
  • What is the growing demand mentioned in the study material?
    Demand for liberal government