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  • most invasive amoeba
    entamoeba histolytica
  • is the size of 8-22 um
    entamoeba histolytica
  • sausage/ciger shaped chromitoidal bars
    entamoeba histolytica
  • finger-like pseudopodia
    entamoeba histolytica
  • 10-35 um
    entamoeba coli
  • broom stick, needle like chromotoidal bar
    entamoeba coli
  • sluggish/non progressive movement
    entamoeba coli
  • 5-12 um in size
    entamoeba hartmani
  • previously known as "small race"
    entamoeba hartmani
  • similar to e. histolytica
    entamoeba hartmani
  • morphologically identical to e. histolytica
    entamoeba dispar
  • uninucleated (perikaryosomal nucleus)
    iodamoeba butchii
  • "basket of flowers" in shape with large glycogen body
    iodamoeba butchii
  • colorless but deep brown when stained
    iodamoeba butchii
  • 9-14 um trophozoite but also ranges in 6-20 um
    iodamoeba butchii
  • no peripheral chromatin granules on the nuclear membrane
    iodamoeba butchii
  • smallest intestinal protozoan
    entamoeba nana
  • both its trophozoite and cyst have large blot-like karyosomal chromatin
    entamoeba nana
  • round to oval cyst with 4 nuclei
    entamoeba nana
  • "cross-eyed" cyst
    entamoeba nana
  • comma shaped chromotoidal bodies
    entamoeba nana
  • has pigs and monkeys as its host
    entamoeba polecki
  • found in papua new guinea
    entamoeba polecki
  • angular with pointed ends as chromotoidal bars
    entamoeba polecki
  • sluggish, non-progress in normal stool but progressive, directional in diarrhea stools
    entamoeba polecki
  • identified by sputum and in pulmonary abscesses
    entamoeba gingivalis
  • MOT of entamoeba gingivalis
    kissing, sharing utensils
  • first amoeba found in a human specimen
    entamoeba gingivalis
  • brain eating amoeba
    naegleria fowleri
  • causes primary amoebic meningoencephalitis
    naegleria fowleri
  • causes keratitis
    naegleria fowleri
  • has spiny hyaline extension
    acanthamoeba Spp.
  • classified as a yeast "stramenophiles"
    blastocystis homini
  • inhibits the lower intestinal tract
    blastocystis hominis
  • causes granulomatous amoebic meningoencephalitis
    acanthamoeba spp.