Neo-Liberalism & New Right

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  • Neo-Liberalism : basics
    -economic theory that underpins many New Right policies
    -argues state shouldn't provide services > education
    -brings market elements into education system > marketisation :
    > schools should be more like businesses
    > parents & pupils should be consumers
    > competition between schools drives up standards
  • marketisation of education
    -New Right argues state education system takes 'one size fits all' approach
    -therefore : state education systems are unresponsive & inefficient at meeting pupils needs
    -solution = marketisation
  • examples of schools taking 'one size fits all' approach
    -generates uniformity among schools
    -disregards specific needs of local areas
    -local 'consumers' have no say in how schools operate
  • Chubb & Moe : consumer choice

    -argued American state-run education has failed the US
    -proposed voucher system so state schools are answerable to paying consumers
  • how has state education failed the US? - Chubb & Moe
    -didn't create equal opportunities > failed disadvantaged groups
    -didn't provide pupils with specialist skills needed by economy
    -private schools deliver higher quality education as they're answerable to paying consumers
  • what does voucher system do for consumers?
    -puts control in hands of parents & local communities
    -allows consumers to shape schools & meet local needs
    -create competition between schools > raising standards
  • the two roles of the state
    -impose a framework on schools within which they compete
    -state should ensure schools transmit a shared culture > pupils integrated into single set of traditions & cultural values