For the testes to produce viable (buhay) sperm, the temperature of each testis must be approximately 2°C cooler than the core body temperature
Each testis is divided into lobules
Sperm are produced in the seminiferous tubules
Interstitial cells, located between seminiferous tubules, produce testosterone
The testes are housed in the scrotum
The spermatic cord suspends each testis and is composed of the cremaster muscle, the ductus deferens, the testicular artery, and the pampiniform plexus (all work together to suspend the testis and keep the sperm viable)
Has an internal root and an external shaft and glans (head of penis)
Glans is covered by prepuce (foreskin)
Composed of three columns of erectile tissue (Paired corpora cavernosa: Trabecular muscle, Crus, and Single corpus spongiosum: Bulbospongiosus muscle (erection))
Produced by sustentacular cells when busy with sperm production, for inhibition of FSH from the anterior pituitary (if too much FSH from the anterior pituitary it can lead to infertility or impotence)