Cards (4)

  • Influence of Early Attachment: Evaluation Points
    • Research support
    • Contradictory research
    • Validity issues with retrospective studies
  • Influence of Early Attachment: Research Support
    Reviews of evidence from studies linking attachment to later development concludes that early attachment consistently predicts later attachment, emotional wellbeing and attachment to own children. Insecure-avoidant creates disadvantages for development, unlike secure attachment. Disorganised attachment is strongly associated with developmental delays and mental health problems.
  • Influence of Early Attachment: Contradictory Research
    Regensburg conducted a longitudial study of 43 infants from age 1 and assessed attachment at 16 using adult interview, in which there was no signs of continuity. This contradictory research shows that the extent to which early attachment influences later relationships and development is unclear and there may be other factors.
  • Influence of Early Attachment: Validity Issues with Retrospective Studies
    Most of the retrospective research, such as Regensburg, which supports the influence of early attachment on later relationships is not longitudinal. This means that it doesn't assess attachment in infancy and then revisit them. Instead, researchers asked adolescents and adults about their relationships with their parents and determined their attachment type from there. This creates validity problems as it relies on honesty and accuracy and it is unclear whether early or adult attachment is being measured.