supression of female voice

Cards (4)

  • Refusal to act reveals narcissist, who prioritised his own elevated status on COB, over preservation of Madeline's life.
    • instead silences her pleas with superficial entertainment
    • striking moment encapsulates systematic suppression and dismissal of womens voices during this era, where thier cries for liberation and autonomy were often ignored or dismissed.
    • With unchallenged authority, he dictates her fate, further cements her powerless position with the patriarchal family structure
    • Result: LM is rendered voiceless, devoid of any autonomy to carve out her own path.
  • in the climatic crescendo of horror, Roderick stresses "said i not that my senses were acute?... I hear it.... I heard them- many, many days ago" what is the CONTEXT?(1.2.4)
    Women in 19th century constrained to domestic sphere
    • stuck in patriarchal marriages- husbands hold legal and social authority over their voices and opinions domestically and publicly
  • in the climatic crescendo of horror, Roderick stresses "said i not that my senses were acute?... I hear it.... I heard them- many, many days ago" (1.2.2)?
    Refusal to act reveals narcissist, who prioritised his own elevated status on COB, over preservation of Madeline's life.
    • instead silences her pleas with superficial entertainment
    • striking moment encapsulates systematic suppression and dismissal of womens voices during this era, where thier cries for liberation and autonomy were often ignored or dismissed.
  • in the climatic crescendo of horror, Roderick stresses "said i not that my senses were acute?... I hear it.... I heard them- many, many days ago" (1.2.3)?

    • With unchallenged authority, he dictates her fate, further cements her powerless position with the patriarchal family structure
    • Result: LM is rendered voiceless, devoid of any autonomy to carve out her own path.