Refusal to act reveals narcissist, who prioritised his ownelevatedstatus on COB, over preservation of Madeline's life.
instead silences her pleas with superficial entertainment
striking moment encapsulates systematic suppression and dismissal of womensvoices during this era, where thier cries for liberation and autonomy were often ignored or dismissed.
With unchallenged authority, he dictates her fate, further cements her powerlessposition with the patriarchal family structure
Result: LM is renderedvoiceless, devoid of anyautonomy to carveoutherownpath.
in the climatic crescendo of horror, Roderick stresses "said i not that my senses were acute?... I hear it.... I heard them- many, many days ago" what is the CONTEXT?(1.2.4)
Women in 19th centuryconstrained to domestic sphere
stuck in patriarchal marriages-husbandsholdlegal and social authorityover their voices and opinionsdomestically and publicly
in the climatic crescendo of horror, Roderick stresses "said i not that my senses were acute?... I hear it.... I heard them- many, many days ago" (1.2.2)?
Refusal to act reveals narcissist, who prioritised his own elevated status on COB, over preservation of Madeline's life.
instead silences her pleas with superficial entertainment
strikingmoment encapsulates systematic suppression and dismissal of womens voicesduring this era, where thier cries for liberation and autonomy were often ignored or dismissed.
in the climatic crescendo of horror, Roderick stresses "said i not that my senses were acute?... I hear it.... I heard them- many, many days ago" (1.2.3)?
With unchallengedauthority, he dictates her fate, further cements her powerless position with the patriarchal family structure
Result: LM is renderedvoiceless, devoid of any autonomy to carveoutherownpath.