Specific Place Meaning

Subdecks (3)

Cards (14)

  • Community or local groups make attempts to influence or create specific place-meanings and thereby shape the actions and behaviours of individuals, groups, businesses and institutions
  • Money that is re-spent locally is the same as attracting new money into that area.
  • Local circulation of money
    1. Person spends a pound at a local shop
    2. Shop owner re-spends it by buying supplies from another local business, or paying local taxes
    3. Process can be repeated with exchanges kept within the local economy
  • Local multiplier effect
    Additional economic benefits for the area from local circulation of money
  • Sterling Pounds spent at a supermarket chain typically leads to more than 80% of the money leaving the area almost immediately.
  • Benefits of local currencies
    • Potentially stimulate the local economy
    • Create stronger bonds within the community by increasing social capital
    • Decrease emissions as locally produced goods require less transportation
    • Reduce impact of national economic crises and dependency on international trade, and enhance self-sufficiency
    • Increase awareness of the impact of one's economic activity
  • Community or local groups, government, and modern housing developers can create specific place-meanings