Clearances 7

Cards (22)

  • Poet
    Seamus Heaney
  • Background of poem
    as published in his collection "the haw lantern" in memoriam to his mother
  • Title
    refers to unburdening. Clarity and vision is a motif in his poems. Shared understanding of those present at death. Physical act of death is less important than spiritual consequences left behind
  • Voice
    First person narrative, Heaney is with his siblings at his mother's deathbed (assumed)
  • Form
    This is sonnet 7 out of 8 in an elegiac sequence of sonnets about his mother. Strict parameters prompt reflection and resolution. Typically controlled with decasyllabic lines
  • Style
    Not the typical structure of a petrarchan or shakespearean sonnet. It is blank with no formal rhyme. Control contrasts the intense personal emotion
  • General language
    Language is simple and not figurative. Simplicity creates a poignant tone
  • "said more to her/Almost than in all their life together"

    Hyperbolesuggests the father is comforting himself.Honestyin these linesshocks. Parents had atraditionalrelationship and this final display ofintimacycontrasts hisexpressivenesswith the poets family's silences.
  • "You'll be in new Row on monday night...isnt that right?"
    Onlydirectspeech addsrealismas the father undergoes acatharticexperience. He was a man of few words, perhaps this is why the speaker says "We were overjoyed"
  • "She could not hear"

    Poignant ironythat the father does share this emotional memory after a lifetime of saying little then she dies.
  • "Then she was dead,"

    Line8broken by acaesuraintroduces finality in theabrupt clause.
  • "The searching for a pulsebeat was abandoned"

    Showsacceptanceof death the brutal reality. No hope
  • "We all knew one thing by being there"
    Inclusivepronoun creates a sense ofunityas they realise the death has occurred. Theplural first person is used.
  • "Good and girl"

    Alliterationemphasises these associations ofyouthand remind us that the mother and father were once young too. Death is universal(MEMENTO MORI)- reminds us of our own mortality
  • "Penetrated"

    Forceful verbshows the mother is nothing more than amemory
  • "been emptied into us to keep"

    the mother will always make an impression on their lives even though she died
  • last 2 lines
    Perhaps there is the idea that the poem is acelebrationof theimpactof her as well as being alamentabout her death
  • "he""she""we"
    no names used in whole poe turns personal private moment into one withuniversal resonance. It could be any family standing by
  • "into us to keep,"
    enjambment illustrates transitionbetween life and death but also the relief of the children of uncertainty to the joyful knowledge that they canmournwithout regret
  • "a pure change happened"

    relief and joy pour through and there is a sense of cleansing
  • "space/emptied/pure/change"

    All aresynonymouswith grief and joy
  • "High cries were felled and a pure change happened"

    State of fluxis expected after a life changing event. Cries are associated with intense sadness which is replaced by something so peaceful like a "pure change."Biblical connotationsof moving from darkness into light and fromdoubt into certainty, from despair into hope.