Peoplerejected the rigid restrictionsof parents and began an era of rock and roll with more relaxed sexual attitudes. This poem shows the spirited mother subtly exploring therelationships and conflictsof the time
Told from the viewpoint of the poet who isomniscient and directly addressingher mother, creating apoignanttone. The tone is direct (I, me, my) and conversational and is full ofdramatic irony.
The fourequalstanzas written inquintainshows therestraintof post war life and also represents theregularity of passing time--> mothers tendency to "break freefrom the shackles"
Stanza 1 - her mother's teenage yearsStanza 2 - her carefree life on nights outStanza 3 - after the birth of the speakerStanza 4 - the speaker's childhoodTherigid,unfaltering structure of the poem could symbolise theorganisation of photosin an album
Figurative languageand thehyperboleshows mother's beauty. Reflects judgemental nature of the time perhaps referencing theprevailing attitudesof the time
Sibilance is used to create a harsh image of anti-Hollywood by alluding to the lack of stars on her pavement. Itcontrasts the purpose and gift of her mother's lifein the opening stanza where she seems to be a hollywood icon