The atmosphere consists mainly of nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%)
Carbon dioxide, water vapour and trace amounts of other gases make up the remaining 1%
Nitrogen is essential to all livingorganisms as it forms part of proteins and nucleic acids.
Oxygen is also vital because it is used by plants during photosynthesis and animals when they respire.
Water vapour is important because it helps regulate temperature on earth through evaporation and condensation.
Oxygen is also essential to life because it is used by plants during photosynthesis and animals during respiration.
Greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun within the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.
Air pollution can be caused by natural sources like volcanoes or human activities like burning fossil fuels, industrial processes, transportation, and agriculture.
Increased levels of atmospheric CO2 can lead to ocean acidification, which affects marine ecosystems and coral reefs.
the early atmosphere ( 4.6 billion years ago ) was almost purely carbon dioxide much like mars and Venus today .