If the mass spectrum is examined under high resolution, the complete molecular formula can be reduced.
High resolution mass spectrometry measures the Mr to 4 d.p
Different frequencies of infra-red radiation cause different bonds within an organic molecule to vibrate.
An infra-red spectrum is obtained by passing a range of infra-red frequencies through a compound, producing absorption peaks. Matching these peaks to those of known bonds help us to identify structural features in an unknown compound.
The fingerprint region of an IR spectrum is the region bellow 1500cm-1
The absorbencies in this region are unique for any particular chemical, so any molecule can be identified when comparing to a database.
Acidified potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) can be used to distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols.
Acidified potassium dichromate oxidises primary and secondary but not tertiary alcohols. The colour change is from orange to green.
Use fractional distillation to collect the products of oxidation. Then test this product to see if an aldehyde or ketone is formed.
If aldehyde is formed, initial alcohol was primary.
If ketone is formed, initial alcohol was secondary.
Fehling's solution oxidises aldehydes but not ketones. Colour change from blue to brick red precipitate.
Test for alkenes by reacting with bromine water. Shake together. Colour change from orange to colourless. Bromine water reacts with the double bond to form a dibromoalkane.
Test for carboxylic acid by reacting with a carbonate. Bubble the gas produced through limewater and it turns cloudy.
IR Spectroscopy uses infrared radiation to increase the vibrational energy of covalent bonds in a sample.
Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere absorb infrared radiation.
Electromagnetic radiation from the sun reaches the Earth and is absorbed by the land and sea. Some of this radiation is re-emitted as infrared.
The covalent bonds within greenhouse gases absorb infrared radiation and re-emit this back towards the Earth.