Axial muscle OIA

Cards (27)

  • Orbicularis oris
    Orgin: medial planes of maxillae and mandible
    Insertion: Lips
    Action: compresses and protrudes the lops
  • Orbicularis oculi
    Origin: medial orbital margin
    Insertion: Skin around the orbit
    Action: Close eyelids
  • Buccinator
    Origin: alveolar processes of the maxillae and mandible
    Insertion: Corner of the mouth
    Action: Compresses cheeks
  • Masseter
    Origin: zygomatic arch
    Insertion: ramus of mandible
    Action: Elevates mandible
  • frontalalis
    Origin: epicranial aponeurosis
    Insertion: Skin of forehead and eyebrows
    Action: elevates eyebrows and scalp
  • Zygomaticus major

    Origin: Zygomatic bone
    Insertion: Corner of the mouth
    Action: elevates corner of the mouth
  • Temporalis
    Origin: Parietal, temporal, frontal, occipital bones
    Insertion: Coronoid process of mandible
    Action: Elevates mandible
  • Platysma
    Origin: deep fascia over pectoralis major and deltoid
    Insertion: body of mandible and angle of the mouth
    Action: depresses mandible, tenses neck
  • Sternohyoid
    Origin: Manubrium and clavicle
    Insertion: hyoid bone
    Action: depresses hyoid
  • Omohyoid
    Origin: Superior border of scapula
    Insertion: Hyoid bone
    Action: Depresses hyoid
  • Digastic anterior belly
    Origin: From inferior surface of mandible at chin
    Insertion: Hyoid bone
    Action: Depresses mandible
  • Digastric posterior belly
    Origin: From mastoid process of temporal bone
    Insertion: Hyoid bone
    Action: Elevates hyoid
  • Genioglossius
    Origin: Medial surface of mandible around chin
    Insertion: Body of tongue, hyoid bone
    Action: Move the tongue
  • Semispinalis capitis
    Origin: Processes of lower cervical and upper thoracic vertebrae
    Insertion: Occipital bone
    Action: Extends neck
  • Geniohyoid
    Origin: Medial surface of mandible at chin
    Insertion: Hyoid bone
    Action: Elevates hyoid bone
  • Mylohyoid
    Origin: Body of mandible
    Insertion: Hyoid bone
    Action: Elevates hyoid
  • Scalenes
    Origin: Cervical vertebrae
    Insertion: First 2 ribs
    Action: Elevates ribs; flexes neck
  • Sternocleidomastoid
    Origin: Sternum and clavicle
    Insertion: Mastoid process
    Action: Flexes neck
  • Erector spinae
    Origin: Pelvic, vertebral, rib bones lower-to-mid back
    Insertion: Vertebral and rib bones higher in the back
    Action: extends vertebral column
  • Quadratus Lumborum
    Origin: On the posterior ilia crest
    insertion: on the last rib and the transverse processes of the first through fourth lumbar vertebrae
    Action: extends vertebral column
  • External intercostals
    Origin: inferior border of rib above
    Insertion: Superior border of rib below
    Action: elevates ribs
  • Internal intercostals
    Origin: superior border of rib below
    Insertion: inferior border of rib above
    Action: Depress ribs
  • Diaphragm
    Origin: lumbar vertebrae of spine
    Insertion: Lesser trochanter of femur
    Action: expands thoracic cavity
  • External abdominal oblique
    origin: ribs 5-12
    insertion: iliac crest and pubic tubercle
    Action: flexes and rotates verterbral column
  • internal abdominal oblique
    origin: iliac crest, inguinal ligament
    Insertion: ribs 10-12
    Action: flexes and rotates vertebral column
  • Rectus abdominis
    Origin: Pubic crest
    Insertion: Xiphoid process of sternum and costal cartilages of ribs
    Action: Flexes vertebral column and rotates pelvis
  • Transversus abdominals
    Origin: costal margin, iliac crest, thoracolumbar fascia
    Insertion: Xiphoid process, lines alba, pubic crest
    Action: Retracts abdominal wall and flexes vertebral column