Also known as the 'giant southern lizard', existed 95 million years ago, considered the king of dinosaurs, grew to a length of 15 m, believed to have hunted in packs, preyed on herbivorous dinosaurs
Also known as the 'feathered dinosaur', its arms were covered in feathers and it had a fan-like tail, could grow up to 1 m in length and 0.7 m in height, had extremely large claws and its tail helped it balance while it attacked its prey
Scientists have found a way to measure the age of dinosaurs by studying their bones. They study the growth rings inside the fossilised bones, a technique similar to the one used to measure the age of trees. But it is not a foolproof method for all species because, in the case of some species, their bones grew continuously without any neat growth rings.
One of the largest herbivorous dinosaurs, lived 150-130 million years ago, weighed nearly 80 metric tonnes and was 25 m long, standing at a height of 12 m, had an immensely long neck and a short tail
A herbivore, also known as a 'roof lizard', had two rows of bony plates along its back, which helped it regulate its body temperature and also defend against carnivorous dinosaurs
A carnivorous dinosaur, existed 99-65 million years ago, had hollow bones which enabled it to run at a speed of 39 kmph, possessed extremely large claws on each foot and its tail helped it balance while it slashed at its prey
Also known as the 'king of the tyrant lizards', a bipedal carnivorous dinosaur, attained a maximum height of 6.5 m and a length of 12 m, its jaws were powerful enough to crush bones and extract bone marrow