free will + determinism

Cards (13)

  • Determinism
    Belief that behaviour is determined by external or internal forces acting upon an individual that is out of their control
  • Types of determinism
    • Biological - behaviour is innate and determined by genes
    Environmental - behaviour is determined by factors outside the individual
    Psychic - behaviour is the result of childhood experiences and innate drives
  • Free will
    The ability to act at one's own discretion, to choose to behave without being influenced by external forces
  • Approaches taking the side of nurture in the nature-nurture debate
    • Behaviourist
    Social Learning Theory
    Psychodynamic (compromise between nature and nurture)
  • Free will
    The idea that we are self-determining - free to choose our thoughts and actions, even if there are biological and environmental influences
  • Hard determinism
    All human action has a cause - it should be possible to identify these causes
  • Soft determinism
    All human action has a cause but people have conscious mental control over behaviour
  • Types of determinism
    • Biological determinism
    • Environmental determinism
    • Psychic determinism
  • A basic principle of science is that every event has a cause and can be explained by general laws, which is inline with determinism
  • The notion that human behaviour is orderly and obeys laws places psychology on equal footing with other more established sciences, increasing credibility
  • Prediction and control of human behaviour has led to development of treatment and therapies (e.g. drug treatments to manage schizophrenia)
  • The experience of schizophrenia (loss of control over thoughts and behaviour) suggests some behaviours are determined (i.e. no one 'chooses' to have schizophrenia)
  • Determinism as an approach is not falsifiable - based on the idea that causes of behaviour will always exist even though they may not yet have been found