Global Warming

Cards (15)

  • Carbon cycle
    Process by which carbon is exchanged between the Earth's biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere
  • Carbon dioxide has an important role in keeping the Earth warm enough for life
  • Too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not good
  • How the Earth's temperature is balanced
    1. Energy from the Sun
    2. Energy radiated back out into space
  • Greenhouse gases
    • Absorb energy that would normally be radiated out into space
    • Re-radiate it in all directions, including back towards the Earth
  • Greenhouse gases increase the temperature of the planet
  • The main greenhouse gases whose levels we worry about are carbon dioxide and methane
  • The Earth is gradually heating up because of the increasing levels of greenhouse gases, this is global warming
  • Global warming is a type of climate change and causes other types of climate change, e.g. changing rainfall patterns
  • Higher temperatures
    Cause seawater to expand and ice to melt, causing sea levels to rise
  • Rising sea levels will lead to flooding and loss of habitats
  • Increasing temperatures and changing rainfall
    Changes the distribution of many wild animal and plant species
  • Some species may become more widely distributed, others may become less widely distributed
  • Changes in migration patterns, e.g. some birds may migrate further north as more northern areas get warmer
  • Biodiversity could be reduced if some species are unable to survive a change in the climate, so become extinct