1. Measure out 5 cm³ of lipase solution and add it to a test tube
2. Measure out 5 cm³ of milk and add it to a different test tube
3. Add 5 drops of phenolphthalein indicator to the tube containing milk
4. Measure out 2 cm³ of sodium carbonate solution and add it to the tube containing milk and phenolphthalein
5. Put both tubes into a water bath set to 30 °C and leave them to reach the temperature of the water bath
6. Use a calibrated dropping pipette to put 1 cm³ of the lipase solution into the milk tube and start a stopwatch
7. Stir the contents of the tube with a glass rod
8. Stop the stopwatch as soon as the solution loses its pink colour
9. Repeat the experiment at a range of different temperatures (e.g. 10 °C, 20 °C, 40 °C, 50 °C)
10. Calculate the mean time taken for the colour change to occur at each temperature
11. Calculate the rate of decay using the formula: Rate = 1000 / time