What are the weaknesses of the genetic explanation of OCD?
- Concordance rates from twin studies were not 100%, meaning that there must be some environmental influence at play. Therefore, genetics alone is an insufficient explanation
- There is a stronger genetic link between some types of OCD than others, particularly those associated with contamination/washing, meaning that genetics is not a complete explanation to OCD overall
- No single gene causes the disorder, but many scattered across the genome, and these depend on environmental triggers to develop into full blown OCD
- Taylor (swift xx) 2013 said that OCD is polygenic and may involve 230 genes- Twin and family studies show a link between genetics and OCD but do not explain the genetic mechanisms behind the disorder
- Pato et al 2001 said that there is a huge amount of evidence for OCD being heritable, but few details are understood about the genetic mechanisms underpinning the disorder, indicating need for more focused research- Family members often show different OCD symptoms
- if disorder = purely inherited, surely the symptoms would be the same-Grootheest et al 2005 - OCD originating in childhood is more genetic in nature than originating in adulthood - different types of OCD with different causes