Frustration-aggression hypothesis

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  • Frustration-aggression hypothesis, Dollard et al
    • Frustration always leads to aggression - Is a result of frustration
    • Based on the psychodynamic concept of catharsis - Aggression as a psychological drive
    • Try to achieve a goal is block we are frustrated - Creates an aggressive drive
    • Cathartic - Aggression is created by the frustration is satisfied
  • Frustration-aggression hypothesis, Dollard et al
    Aggression is not always expressed directly against the source of frustration:
    1. Cause of frustration maybe abstract
    2. Cause may be too powerful and we may risk punishment
    3. Cause may be unavailable at the time
    Aggression is displaces onto an alternative - Weaker, available and not abstract
  • Research into frustration-aggression, Geen
    Method: Male university student complete a jigsaw with level of aggression manipulated
    1. Impossible puzzle
    2. Ran out of time due to interfering confederates
    3. Insulted by confederates for not being able to do the puzzle
    Ppts then gave electrical shocks when a mistake was made
    • Insulted ppts - Strongest shocks on average then interfered then impossible
    • More intense shocks than control group (Non-frustrated)
  • Role of environmental cues, Berkowitz
    • Frustration creates a readiness for aggression
    • Aggressive cues - Increase chances of acting upon them
    • Cues!
  • Role of environmental cues, Berkowitz + LePage
    Method: Students given electrical shocks in a lab setting - Create anger and frustration
    • Then able to give shocks to confederate
    • Number of shocks - Prescence or absence of weapons
    • Two guns next to shock machine - Average number of shocks were 6
    • No guns - Average number of shocks were 5
    • Supports presence of aggressive environmental cues stimulate aggression
  • Evaluation of the frustration-aggression hypothesis - Research support
    Marcus-Newhall et al - Conducted a meta-analysis of 50 studies of displaced aggression
    • Investigated situations - Aggressive behaviour directed against a target
    • Displaced aggression reliable
    • Ppts provoked but unable to retaliate - More frustrated were significantly likely to aggress against an innocent party
    Strength: High validity as it is supported by multiple studies
  • Evaluation of the frustration-aggression hypothesis - If aggression is really cathartic
    Bushman: Ppts who vented anger by hitting punchbag - Mare angry and aggressive rather than less
    • Doing nothing - More effective in reducing anger
    Differs from the frustration-aggression hypothesis
    Limitation: Validity brought into question
  • Evaluation of the frustration-aggression hypothesis - Real-life application
    • Berkowitz 'Trigger can pull the finger' - Gun control debate in USA
    • Some states allowing open carry - Concern whether it is a cue to aggression
    Strength: Applicable research that cam be use in governmental policies