Cards (63)

  • The history of the CICM missionaries in the Philippines began at the end of the war with Spain in 1898 when the territory was colonized by Americans and the Spanish missionaries were expelled
  • The first Scheut Missionaries arrived in 1907 at the request of US born Bishop Dennis Dougherty, then Bishop of the diocese of Nuova Segovia
  • A group of the first eight missionaries began to evangelize in the mountain area of Northern Luzon and the congregation soon extended its activity to the rest of the country
  • After the Philippine revolution against Spain in 1898, all Spanish missionaries were expelled from their parishes and mission assignments
  • The Philippines then became an American Territory and American bishops were appointed, among them Bishop Dennis Dougherty
  • In 1906, Bishop Dougherty sent a pressing appeal for missionaries to the headquarters of the CICM Congregation in Scheut-Brussels
  • In September 1907, Bishop Dougherty welcomed the first eight CICM priests and one CICM brother who began the evangelization of the people of the Mountain Province
  • The pioneer CICM missionaries sent to the Philippines were Jules Sepulchre, Albert Dereume, Christain Hulsbosch, Seraphine Devesse, Henri Verbeeck, Constant Jurgens, Octaaf Vandewalle, Pieter Dierickx, and Florimond Carlu
  • On April 9, 1909, the CICM Philippine Province was established with "Home Sweet Home" in Baguio, Benguet as the Provincial House
  • CICM
    Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
  • Education aims at evangelizing cultures and society from the CICM Philippines mission standpoint
  • Evangelization through education has always been an integral aspect of CICM work in the Philippines
  • CICM mission/parochial schools were at the heart of the CICM missions in the Cordillera region and dioceses where they worked
  • CICM schools in the Philippines were unique for the very high proportion of education on the elementary level
  • Education in the North
    Effective factor in alleviating poverty and making a positive impact on indigenous communities
  • CICM schools offered and continue to offer solid basic education to the youth in far places
  • World War II created a great havoc on the CICM, with losses in terms of resources and personnel
  • CICM schools became breeding grounds for missionary vocations, in particular for CICM
  • CICM educational institutions on college and university level
    • Saint Louis College - San Fernando
    • Saint Louis College - Cebu
    • University of Saint Louis - Tuguegarao
    • Saint Louis University - Baguio City
    • St. Mary's University - Bayombong
  • In 1954, the CICM Provincialate was transferred to its present location in Quezon City
  • By 1957, the number of CICM mission apostolates significantly grew to include 60 mission stations
  • CICM colleges and universities are being re-directed to bring about missionary consciousness among the youth
  • The Office of the Vice President for Mission and Identity has been introduced in the Organizational Structure of CICM schools
  • The goal is to create the merger of CICM schools, including Maryhill School of Theology, into the One CICM School Network
  • Competent and trusted Lay Collaborators are being prepared for different sensitive functions in the CICM schools, including the position of Chancellor
  • Maryhill School of Theology attends to the academic and pastoral formation of CICM student-confreres and some 300 seminarians and religious sent by several dioceses and more than 20 religious institutes enrolled in the General Theology Program
  • Maryhill School of Theology has the most complete collection of books, journals, magazines and reference books among CICM schools
  • Organizational Structure of our Schools
    1. Exploratory stage
    2. Goal to create the merger of our schools, including Maryhill School of Theology, into the One CICM School Network
    3. Governed by one Board of Trustees
    4. Respective Chancellors or Executive Officers in the different campuses
    5. Competent and trusted Lay Collaborators being prepared for the different sensitive functions in the schools, including the position of Chancellor
  • Maryhill School of Theology (MST)

    • Attends to the academic and pastoral formation of CICM student-confreres and some 300 seminarians and religious sent by several dioceses and more than 20 religious institutes enrolled in the General Theology Program (GTP)
    • Adult Theological Education Program (ATEP) has students, mostly lay, who take up evening and Saturday classes to be more capable to serve in their local communities
    • Known to have the most complete collection of books, journals, magazines and reference books, among all the other theological graduate schools in the country
    • Aspires to offer programs that would lead to a civil degree of Doctor in Missiology
  • Saint Louis University – Baguio City
    • Established in 1911, originally a one room elementary school near the Baguio cathedral
    • Grew to become one of the country's most respected educational institutions
    • Located in Baguio City, around 250 kilometers north of Manila
    • Played a pivotal role in the evolution of Baguio City into a major metropolis
  • Rev. Fr. Pieter Dierickx, CICM
    • Appointed as Superior to the new mission to the Philippines, most senior among the first batch, spent 10 years as a missionary in China, described as a prudent and patient leader who remained serene in the midst of difficulties and uncertainties of their mission
  • Rev. Fr. Florimond Carlu, CICM
    • Former professor, revered and well-loved parish priest of the Baguio Cathedral, provided health care services, known as the "San Roque of the Philippines", famous in the area of education, initiated the establishment of trade and vocational schools, known as the "builder" instrumental in the construction of many famous structures including the Baguio Cathedral, formed the first youth choir of the parish
  • Bro. Christian Hulsbosch, CICM
    • Only brother among the group, dedicated 43 years in the Philippine mission, built many churches and mission posts, described as a prudent and wise procurator
  • University of Saint Louis – Tuguegarao City
    • Established in 1965 as Saint Louis School, upon the request of the Bishop of Tuguegarao
    • Guided by the CICM educational apostolate, with a mission to be a beacon for true Christian living, academic excellence, professional responsibility, social awareness and involvement
    • Opened its high school department in 1965, college department in 1968, and graduate school in 1977
    • Granted a new charter in 2002, changing its name to the University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao
  • Saint Mary's University – Bayombong (Nueva Vizcaya)

    • Traces its roots to the vision and initiative of Msgr. Constant Jurgens, one of the earliest CICM missionaries to arrive in the Philippines
    • Inaugurated the St. Mary's Elementary School in June 1928, opened the High School department in 1934, and the college Department formally operated with several course offerings
    • Remains steadfast in its vision of being a nurturing and zealous missionary Catholic educational institution, committed to forming and animating competent, creative, and community-supportive Christian disciples
  • Saint Louis College – San Fernando (La Union)

    • Established in 1964, proving its worth as a beacon of wisdom in the northern Philippines
    • Provides programs that build a dynamic Christian missionary community and enhance human dignity
    • Preparing the requisites to become a university, with a focus on spiritual formation and striving for academic excellence, professional leadership and committed social involvement
  • Rev. Fr. Constant Jurgens, CICM
    • Only Dutchman among the pioneers, became the 3rd Bishop of Tuguegarao, shared his family business in supporting missionary projects, initiated the beginnings of Saint Mary's University in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, well-known in the area of catechism, put up silk-worm industry in Bontoc
  • Rev. Fr. Jules Sepulchre, CICM
    • Founded the mission station in Bauko, Mountain Province, had great influence with people using his surname, died from a treacherous fever, his tomb can be found in front of the communion rail of Sta. Rita church in Bontoc
  • Rev. Fr. Albert Dereume, CICM
    • Lived his zeal among the people of Itogon, Benguet, devoted his first years of apostolate to the working class and to vocational instruction, his main thrust in education was the creation and organization of vocational schools, follows the motto "Everything for everyone", can be described as the friend and confidant of the youth
  • Rev. Fr. Oktaaf Vandewalle, CICM

    • Became parish priest in Baguio