large decelreations

Cards (15)

  • Reaction times are 0.2 to 0.9 seconds
  • stopping distance = thinking distance + braking distance
  • stopping distance = thinking distance + braking distance
  • A driver’s reaction time can be affected by: tiredness drugs alcohol distractions
  • Explain that the stopping distance of a vehicle is affected by a range of factors including:
    • mass of the vehicle
    • speed of the vehicle
    • driver’s reaction time
    • state of the vehicle’s brakes
    • state of the road
    • amount of friction between the tyre and the road surface
  • The braking distance of a vehicle can be increased by:

    1. poor road and weather conditions, such as gravel, or wet or icy roads - less friction between tyres and the road
    2. poor vehicle conditions, such as worn brakes or worn tyres - less friction between brakes and
  • What is thinking distance
    the distance a vehicle travels in the time it takes for the driver to apply the brakes after realising they need to stop
  • What is braking distance
    Is the distance a vehicle travels in the time after the driver has applied the brake
  • What increase the thinking distance when stopping you from given speed?
    Longer reaction times
  • The braking distance of a vehicle can be increased by: poor vehicle conditions, such as worn brakes or worn tyres - less friction between brakes and wheels
  • The braking distance of a vehicle can be increased by:
    1. more mass in the vehicle (extra passengers for example) - the braking friction has to work for a greater distance to remove the larger kinetic energy
  • Why do crumple zones reduce impact

    -front and back of crumple zones crumple meaning extra time for momentum to be lost
  • How to reduce damage of car crashes
    Spread change in momentum over period of time of the car because it reduces force
  • If vehicle spead increases by 2 braking distance increases by 

  • Why do airbags reduce injuries

    -it's comperssionable so it loses momentum more slowly