
Cards (21)

  • what is an E1 reaction?
    formation of a double bond
  • what is E1 rate of reaction dependent on?
    concentration of substrate
  • what interactions are involved in E1?
  • what is the orbital alignment of E1?
    C-H sigma orbital (HOMO) parallel to empty p orbital (LUMO) of carbocation
  • What is the orbital alignment of E2?
    sigma orbital of broken C-H bond (HOMO) and C-Br sigma* (LUMO)
  • what are the two possible alignments of E2?
    antiperiplanar and synperiplanar
  • what is antiperiplanar?
    Attached groups are 180
  • which is favoured antiperiplanar or synplanar?
  • what is the major product?
    more stabilised transition state
  • what factors are involved in elimination:
    • substrate structure
    • basicity of nucleophile
    • size of nucleophile
    • temperature of reaction
  • substrate structure:
    • good for sn1 good for E1
  • what do strong bases give a preference for?
  • what do large bulky hindered nucleophiles give rise to?
  • what type of reaction do high temperatures favour?
  • what do strong bases lead to?
    proton attack (hard Nu-hard electrophile interaction)
    leading to E2
  • Is steric hindrance as big of a factor in E2?
    no, not as much as SN2
  • why does a high temperature lead to elimination?
  • what does more negative Gibbs mean?
    fasters reaction
  • what are good leaving groups in elimination reaction?
    halides, sulfonate ester
  • how are quaternary amines made?
    E1 and E2
  • how are quaternary ammonium salts made?