gender bias

Cards (21)

  • Universal findings
    Findings are capable of being applied to all, despite differences of experiences and unbringing
  • Example of universal findings
    Facial expressions - Trobriand Island (isolated from other cultures) boy pointed out the picture of fear correctly
  • Gender bias
    Treating one group on the basis of sex in a different way from the other sex
  • 2 types of gender bias that threaten the universality of findings
    Alpha beta bias, Beta gender bias
  • Alpha gender bias

    Exaggerates the differences between the 2 sexes
  • Bowlby's theory of maternal deprivation - example of alpha bias
    Focuses on the mother as the primary caregiver. If a child doesn't make a secure attachment with the mother, there will be long term social development issues -> Delinquency, Affectionless psychopathy.
  • Ethical implications of Bowlby's theory of maternal deprivation - alpha bias
    Stops women progressing with their careers. Undermine the role of the father - could lead to them not being given equal chances during a breakdown.
  • Psychodynamic approach - alpha bias
    Freud's psychosexual theory -> focus was on Oedipus complex - Freud argued that females don't suffer from the same oedipal conflict as males, they don't identify with their mother as strongly as males identify with their father. -> women have a less developed superego as a result
  • Ethical implications of the psychodynamic approach - alpha bias
    In Victorian times, Freud's theory helped to support the idea the women should be treated as 2nd class citizens & not allowed to vote. They were also excluded from many professions
  • Main issues with alpha gender bias
    May lead to undervaluing members of either sex, typically it has been undervalued women. Has led to reinforcing gender sterotypes.
  • Beta gender bias

    The attempt to underplay the differences between the sexes
  • Androcentric
    Male centred - normal behaviour is judged according to the male standard
  • Social influence - beta bias
    Male only samples in social influence studies -> Zimbardo, Asch, Milgram. Unsure if the findings of most psychology studies are applicable to women.
  • Ethical implications of social influence - beta bias
    Lack of understanding -> so incorrect treatments developed
  • Biological approach: fight or flight - beta bias
    Research carried out on male animals - assumed males & females both go through fight & flight. Taylor: females go into tend & befriend, tend = protect offspring & befriend rather than fight.
  • Ethical implications of biological approach: fight or flight - beta bias
    Rape victim blaming if woman doesn't run or fight. Lack of understanding -> so incorrect treatments developed.
  • Main issues with beta gender bias in psychology
    Rape victim blaming if women don't run or fight. Lack of understanding -> so incorrect treatments developed.
  • Benefits of beta gender bias
    Seeing both sexes as the same may have helped women progress & the development of anti-sex discrimination laws - this has helped women progress in education & careers.
  • Why is there sexism within psychology?
    Majority of senior psychologists are men. Male psychologists are more likely to get their research published. Any research which finds a gender difference is more likely to get published. Lab experiments give psychology scientific status, however, feminists argue they are top down method & lack the validity of non-experimental methods.
  • Psychology may be guilty of supporting institutional sexism
    It is important that psychologists are aware which biases may have influenced their research process. Psychology should embrace the combination of using both qualitative & quantitative methods in order to gain a greater understanding about any area, this will also help to reduce the impact of any one methodological style favouring one of the sexes.
  • Conclusions with regards to gender bias in psychology
    Psychology does suffer from both alpha & beta gender bias meaning may psychological findings are scientifically misleading - some theories, eg. the psychodynamic approach uphold stereotypical assumptions which has served to validate sex discrimination. Psychologists need to re-examine previous research to see if it has suffered from gender bias, if it has more research needs to be conducted on these areas to gain a fuller understanding.