cultural bias

Cards (16)

  • Universal findings
    Patterns, tendencies & behaviours are observed across different cultures, societies & individuals
  • Example of universal findings
    Memory -> primary, recency effect - ppts remember 1st & last words on a list
  • Cultural bias
    Tendency to ignore cultural differences & interpret everything from the viewpoint of one's own culture
  • What may have lead to psychology suffering from a cultural bias?
    Ethno-centric research = mainly USA sample.
    USA is an example of an individualistic culture so we lack info on collectivist cultures.
  • ETIC construct

    A theory which can be generalised to all cultures
  • EMIC construct

    A theory which can only be applied to just one culture
  • What kind of constructs should be developed from the majority of psychology research?
    Mainly USA sample
    EMIC constructs
  • Cultural bias can occur when an emic construct becomes a what type of construct?
    An imposed Etic - psychologists imposes their findings
  • Ethno-centric
    Judging other cultures by the standards & values of one's own culture.
    Think own culture is superior.
  • Cultural relativism
    Appreciating that behaviour varies between cultures.
    The idea that norms & values can only be understood within a specific cultural/social context
  • Asch conformity line study- cultural bias which has lead to an imposed etic

    Used American ppts only.
    32% conformed on at least 1 trial - however, America is an example of a more individualistic over the group.
    Other studies conducted on more collectivist cultures have challenged the universality of Asch's findings. For example, a conformity study conducted in India (collectivist culture) have found conformity levels as high as 58%.
  • Ethical implications - Asch's conformity line study
    Could lead to all cultures being judged by results found in the USA.
    Could lead to other cultures being viewed as inferior which may lead to prejudged & discrimination.
    Highlights the importance of conducting cross-cultural research.
  • Schizophrenia - cultural bias which has led to ethnocentrism, prejudice & discrimination

    UK Black-Caribbean people are more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia (paranoid).
    Some cultures view hallucinations in a more positive way, this viewpoint is not taken into account by British psychiatrists.
    Or that 'mental suffering is a normal human condition which is being over-medicalised' - Szasz.
  • Ethical implications - schizophrenia
    Stigma attached to be labelled as 'schizophrenia' in the UK.
    Harder to get a job & more likely to face poverty, prejudice & discrimination.
  • IQ testing - cultural bias which has led to ethnocentrism, prejudice & discrimination
    This IQ testing was first developed during WW1. The tests were designed around white middle class knowledge. Research was conducted by Burt which found white people to have much higher IQ in comparison to Black people.
  • Ethical implications - IQ testing
    Racial segregation & black people having less rights.
    Sterilization of people with low IQ.