Oceans cover over 71% of the earths surface. Oceans and Seas contain 97% of earths water, 3% of earths water is fresh and 65% of the 3% of fresh water is in ice sheets.
Moisture that reaches the earthssurface as rainsnow or hail
Surface Run-off
Percipitation that flows over the grounds surface eventually finding its way into rivers
Percipitation that does not reach the earthssurface due to being obstructed by trees or plants
Percipitationsoaks through into sub surfacesoillevels and moves into rockcracks or porespaces
Through Flow
The slow horizontal movement of water through the ground
Water from bodes of water is changed from waterdropplets to watervapour
Evaportation of water from plantleaves
WaterVapour converted back into liquidform due to a deacrease with temperature with height