
Cards (9)

  • Water Distribution
    Oceans cover over 71% of the earths surface. Oceans and Seas contain 97% of earths water, 3% of earths water is fresh and 65% of the 3% of fresh water is in ice sheets.
  • Percipitation
    Moisture that reaches the earths surface as rain snow or hail
  • Surface Run-off
    Percipitation that flows over the grounds surface eventually finding its way into rivers
  • Interception
    Percipitation that does not reach the earths surface due to being obstructed by trees or plants
  • Infiltration
    • Percipitation soaks through into sub surface soil levels and moves into rock cracks or pore spaces
  • Through Flow
    The slow horizontal movement of water through the ground
  • Evaporation
    Water from bodes of water is changed from water dropplets to water vapour
  • Transpiration
    Evaportation of water from plant leaves
  • Condencation
    Water Vapour converted back into liquid form due to a deacrease with temperature with height