type of prevention that focuses on reducing the opportunities of crime / deterring potential offenders
based on Clarke's rational choice theory
involves target hardening - making specific targets of crime more difficult to access
Clarke - features of situational crime prevention
directed at specific crimes
involves managing or altering immediate environment of the crime
aim at increasing the efforts and risks of committing
examples of situational crime prevention
security systems
shutters in shops
gated lanes
felson - New York bus terminal - situational crime prevention
port authority bus terminal provided deviant opportunities
luggage thefts, drug dealing, vagrancy
re-shaped physical environment
e.g made smaller hand basins to stop homeless people living in toilets
a03 of situational crime prevention
focuses on streets crime - not white collar or state crime
assumes criminals make rational decisions
ignores root causes of crime
chaiken et al - displacement
found that a crackdown on subway robberies in New York only displaced crime
several forms of displacement:
spatial - moving somewhere else
temporal - different time
target - different victim
tactical - using a different method
functional - different type of crime
environmental crime prevention
type of prevention that aims to eliminate all signs of disorder/ anti-social behaviour
influenced by wilson and kellings broken windows theory
right realist approach
wilson and kelling - broken windows theory
argue the idea that any area that shows signs of physical disorder give the impression that there is low social control which attracts criminals to commit crime there