Resistance to SI

Cards (15)

  • Resisting the pressure to conform can be easier if there are others also resisting the pressure to conform
    • when someone else is also not conforming, this will appear to be social support and allows the person to follow the conscience
  • Albrecht et al (2006): Evaluated a programme designed to help pregnant teenagers resist smoking
  • Albrecht et al (2006) - procedure:
    • social support was provided to some of the teenagers by an older mentor
    • At the end of the 8 week programme they found the PPs who had a mentor were less likely to smoke than the control group who did not have a mentor
  • Albrecht et al (2006) - conclusion:
    Shows that social support can help young people resist social influence
  • Locus of control = the extent to which we believe we have control over our own behaviour and life
  • External locus of control:
    When a person feels they do not have control over their own lives and believe their life is controlled by external factors
  • External Locus of control = behaviour controlled by luck or fate
  • Internal locus of control:
    When a person feels they have control over our own life and behaviour
  • Internal locus of control - believe that behaviour is caused by own decisions/efforts
  • People with high Internal locus of control are believed to be able to resist the pressure to conform and obey
    • tend to be more self-confident, intelligent and have greater resistance to social control
  • Resistance to Social influence - PEEL 1:
    Strength - Research support - Holland (1967) - increases the validity of LoC as an explanation for obedience
  • Holland (1967):
    • repeated Milgram’s baseline study and measured whether PPs were internal or externals
    • 37% of internals did not continue to highest shock level
    • Only 23% of externals did not continue
    Therefore internals showed greater resistance to authority
  • Resistance to Social influence - PEEL 2:
    Weakness - opposing study - Twenge et al (2004) analysed date from American LoC conducted over a 40 year period (1960 to 2002).
    • the data showed that people became more resistant to obedience but also more external ————> Therefore LoC is not a valid explanation
  • Resistance to Social influence - PEEL 3:
    Strength - Albrecht et al (2006) - supports the idea of social support so that it has strong practical applications
  • Resistance to Social influence - PEEL 4:
    Weakness - Rotter (1982) suggest our locus of control only has influence in new situations
    ———> therefore they have previously obeyed or conformed to a situation, they are likely to do so again