Biology paper 2

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Cards (104)

  • order of control system
    receptors - coordination - effectors
  • receptors detect change in the enviroment
  • coordination centre interprets and organises a response
  • effectors
    muscles contract
    and glands release hormones
  • motor neurones send signals out to effectors
  • cerebellum
    Responsible for balance and muscle coordination
  • cerebral cortex
  • medulla
    Breathing and beating of the heart
  • The hypothalamus is responsible for regulating our body temperature.
  • cornea
    A transparent layer at the front of the eye which refracts light
  • cone cells enable you to see in colour
  • The point where light focuses on the retina is called the fovea.
  • circular and radial muscles make up the iris
  • when pupils are exposed to light they constrict
  • the lens bends light rays so that they focus onto the retina
  • When focousing on a close object ciliary muscles contract inwards and suspensory ligaments relax
  • When focusing on a distance object ciliary muscles relax pulling out the ligaments to create a flat lens
  • thermoregulation controls the inner body temperature
  • warming up
    constrict blood vessel so less blood travels near the surface
    hair stands up to conserve warm air
    shivering uses muscle contraction which realises heat energy
  • cooling down
    hairs fall flat
    sweating which evaporates taking heat energy with it
  • pituitary gland
    master gland
    realises lots of hormones
    tells other glands to release hormones
    located in the brain
  • Thyroid gland releases thyroxine which controls metabolism and growth
  • adrenal glands realease adrenaline
  • blood glucose concentration
    the amount of sugar in our blood
  • insulin binds to receptors on certain cells
  • liver and muscle cells absorb the glucose and turn it into glycogen
  • glycogen is long term storage for glucose
  • Glucagon increases glucose blood levels
  • glucagon hormones breaks down glycogen into glucose in the liver
  • what if glucose levels fall to low
    there won't be enough glucose in tissues to respire
  • type 1 diabetes is when the pancreas stops producing insulin
  • type 2 diabetes is when the cells become resistant to insulin
  • function of kidneys

    remove urea
    regulate water levels
    regulate ion levels
  • ADH increases water levels in our body
  • consequences of kidney failure
    unable to regulate ion and water levels
    waste substances build up in bloodstream
  • treatment for kidney failure
    kidney transplant
  • dialysis machine filters the patients blood
  • dialysis has a semi-permeable membrane so small molecules can transfer across but not large ones
  • main risk for kidney transplant is rejection of the new kidney by the immune system
  • role of FSH
    stimulates egg to mature in the ovaries