Kennecott Copper Mine

Cards (9)

  • Where
    Utah, US
  • Owned by
    Rio Tinto
  • Impacts of extraction
    pollution of the scenery - 4.5 km wide, 1.2 km deep hole that would seat 9 million if it was a stadium, creates a significant scar on the landscape. air pollution - 45,000 tonnes of rock extracted daily => dust => health risks & 64 large dumpster => emissions, damages to fish and wildlife - 1/4 selenium found in the lake comes from the mine
  • Impacts of processing
    groundwater contamination - wastewater from the site escaped sites collection system => contaminated groundwater (area of 186km^2) => undrinkable groundwater for thousands of salt lake city residents. groundwater pollution has damaged fish and wildlife habitats, migrating birds and their habitats (i.e. wetlands, freshwater ponds) have been harmed
    air pollution - ore is transported by an 8km long series of conveyers to the processing plants. lots of electricity used
  • Impacts of distribution
    pollution from trucks
  • Managing impacts: extraction
    trialling underground battery electric vehicles to reduce carbon emissions, 8 haul trucks upgraded with new engines to reduce emissions, 8km conveyer system reduced haulage distances, uses caterpillar mechanical drive and Komatsu electric drive trucks, renewable deisel fuel trial
  • Managing impacts: processing
    solar power plant at the side to replace closed coal fired plant
  • Managing impacts: distribution
    trucks upgraded with new engines to reduce emission
  • other info
    project recieved Copper Mark certification for responsible production - Aug 2020
    1st mine in the world to achieve this