Cards (3)

  • Failure to Function Adequately: Evaluation Points
    • Includes subjective experience
    • Doesn't apply to all abnormal people
  • Failure to Function Adequately: Includes Subjective Experience
    Failure to function adequately attempts to include the subjective experience of the individual. For example, in the case where two people have OCD but one cannot go to work due to performing rituals, but the other can go to work and function adequately. This is a strength because it takes into account the subjective experience of the individual, meaning that no judgements are made without personal viewpoint.
  • Failure to Function Adequately: Doesn't always apply
    Some people appear to function adequately despite being seriously ill. For example, Harold Shipman was a doctor who killed 250 of his patients over decades before being caught. He was able to do his everyday job for years without being caught even though he is mentally disturbed. This is a limitation because it shoes that people can still be mentally disturbed but function adequately, questioning the validity.