Cards (7)

  • s.8 Theft Act 1968 - 'Where D steals, and immediately before or at the time of doing so, he uses force on any person or seeks to put any person in fear of being subjected to force'
  • AR: Steals (completed theft)
    • Theft must be completed
    • No requirement that D succeeds in 'getting away' - Corcoran v Anderton
  • AR: Force or threat of force
    • D must threaten to use force, this can be small and does not need to be applied directly to the victim - P v DPP
    • The threat of force does not need to be real - Bentham
  • AR: Immediately before or at the time of the theft
    • If the force happens after the theft it will not be considered a robbery - the courts may make the act of theft into a 'continuing act' so that the force occurs at the same time (Hale)
  • AR: In order to do so
    • Threat of force must be used in order to steal
  • AR: On any person
    • In most cases the one who the force is used against is the person the theft is committed against
    • The person who the force is used does not always have to be the same person who is stolen from
  • MR: Mens rea of theft (dishonesty and ITPD) plus intention or recklessness as to the application/threat of force
    • Robinson