To provide companionship and support between two people
To enjoy having sexual relationships within marriage and have children
To make a lifelong commitment to another person, establishing a permanent relationship, thereby also providing stability to society through the teaching of good moral behaviour
A sacrament - a ceremony in which God is involved
Vows at a wedding
Words that the man and women in a marriage say to one another to show that the marriage is sacred and binding
God does not want everyone to marry
Humanist view of marriage
They do not accept marriage as a religious institution blessed by God however, they do accept marriage as a commitment that a couple make together
Living together in a sexual relationship without being married
Why some Christians disagree with Cohabitation
Marriage provides stability and is a stable place for a family, this is why they do not accept cohabitation as an alternative for marriage
Christians believe the only appropriate place for sex is in a marriage
Why Christians believe sex was created
For procreation
What is forbidden by Christians in terms of sexual relationships
Casual sex and relationships
Adultery is forbidden in the ten commandments
Married couples should stay faithful as they made a promise to god in their vows
St Paul in the Bible condemns homosexual acts as 'shameful'
Being sexually pure is advised and many Christians take Chastity before marriage
Alternative Christian views on sex before marriage
Some Christians allow the idea of sex when you are in a relationship and understand not all couple will wait for marriage if they are in love however, sexual promiscuity is not acceptable
Humanist view on sex before marriage
They believe that consenting adults should be allowed to share a sexual relationship provided it does not harm anybody else
Atheists are unlikely to have a problem with sex before marriage or with homosexuality
Family types
Nuclear family
Blended family
Same sex family
Extended families
Single-parent family
Christian beliefs about the purpose of family
To provide the right place for a married couple to have children
To provide stability for society, as children can be raised in the correct social and moral setting
To teach children the difference between right and wrong
To raise children as Christians and introduce them to the Christian faith
Christian beliefs about the role of a parent in the family
They have a responsibility to get married before having kids if able
They are responsible to love, support and care for their children and keep them safe
Should raise their children in the Christian faith, get them baptised or christened and introduce them to the Christian community
Christian beliefs about the role of a child in the family
The Bible teaches that children should honour, obey and respect their parents
Children are expected to care of their parents once they are older, just as their parents once did for them
Importance of family to Christians
They strengthen society and provide structure and support
Where people feel safest - with people they love
Christians are much more accepting of less traditional family types today than in the past
How the local parish can help families
Supporting couples who are expecting children
Organising family events and special family worship services
Running parental support classes
Being involved in christenings or marriages
Encouraging children to attend Sunday school and special services
Providing counselling support
Rites of passage
The celebrate key points in a person's life and include occasions such as, marriage, christening or birth
There is no direct teaching in the Bible about contraception, since it's a more modern issue, but Christians rely on their church teachings
Catholic teachings about contraception
They believe that every sexual act should be open to the possibility of a child, so artificial methods of contraception may not be used. They believe contraception encourages casual sex
Protestant beliefs about contraception
They believe that the main purpose of sex is for procreation, sex is also for pleasure and enjoyment and a way to show love for your partner therefore, contraception is a sensible method of family planning and all types are acceptable
Humanist beliefs about contraception
Humanists generally have no issue with the use of contraception they argue that if 'every child being a wanted child, and in better, healthier lives for women, it must be a good thing'
Atheist attitudes to family planning
They think people should use contraception when they want to plan when to have a family
They are not ready to have kids
A couple's lifestyle may not be compatible with having children
Pregnancy could be harmful to the mother
They don't want STI's
The couple carry genetic disorders
The Bible has different teachings about divorce, but marriage is intended to be for life
Catholic beliefs about divorce
Divorce is not recognised because marriage is for life
Jesus said divorce is wrong
Marriage is a sacrament and divorce would break the promise made to God
The bond of marriage is not broken even if a couple receives a legal civil divorce
Remarriage is not accepted
A legal separation may be accepted in some cases, where care of children is needed
Humanist beliefs about divorce
They believe divorce can cause a breakdown in the family however, they accept that divorce is sometimes necessary - they don't associate marriage with God so they are not going against His word
Atheist beliefs about divorce
They may adopt situation ethics, where they consider the best thing to do in each individual situation. And always do the most loving thing
The Bible has different interpretations about equality between men and women
Catholic beliefs on gender equality
Catholics accept that men and women are equal but were given different roles by God. Man was physically created differently in order to work the land and women was made to assist him
Humanists and atheists are likely to accept more modern interpretations of the roles of men and women, they believe in the equality of men and women and support their roles as long as they are happy in them
Gender prejudice
The tendency to hold a hostile attitude toward an individual because of his or her gender but taking no action
Gender discrimination
Treating someone differently due to their gender
Catholics believe only men are accepted in the position of bishop, priest or deacon and pope. They believe these roles represent Jesus, who was a man
Christian beliefs about marriage
Christians believe in the sanctity of marriage- that marriage is a holy gift from God.
It creates unity, both physical and emotional (one flesh). Each person agrees to be faithful and only have loving and sexual relations with their partner.
It is also a sacrament (ceremonies that are a sign of God's love) for Catholics and other denominations
Why Christians argue against cohabitation
It can encourage a casual attitude towards relationships. It is too easy to break up and not talk things through in times of trouble. Children are best brought up in a stable home. This is usually one with two married parents so they can more easily learn about relationships
SOWA: ''the two will become one flesh'<|>what God has joined together let no one separate'
Christian view of sexual relationships within marriage
Sex should be between a married man and woman. This is because sex is the highest expression of love and the Bible upholds the sanctity of marriage.
Married couples should not have sexual relations outside marriage. Remaining faithful to your partner is important for Christians and adultery is a major sin
They are permitted in certain cases such as for conceiving a child. Children are a gift from God and are one of the aims of marriage