
Cards (91)

  • What is a feudal system
    A two tiered class system of upper and lower class
  • What do you call a two tiered class system of upper and lower class.
    A feudal system
  • COLOURS WC - characteristics of popular recreation, what does it stand for
    Cruel, occasional, local, occupational, unwritten rules, rural, simple, wagering, courtly or popular
  • What type of recreation was played pre 1780
  • List 5 Characteristics of mob football
    Cruel, occasional, local, unwritten rules, rural, simple, wagering, popular
  • Why was mob football cruel
    It reflected the harshness of society
  • Why was mob football occasional

    It was only played on holy or festival days
  • Why was mob football local
    The working class had no means of transport
  • Why did mob football have unwritten rules
    A large amount of the working class were illiterate
  • Why was mob football rural
    Agricultural society existed, majority of the UK was rural.
  • Why was mob football simple

    It had no specialist equipment, it used a pig's bladder
  • Why was mob football popular

    It was played by the working class masses
  • List 5 Characteristics of real tennis
    Civilised, regular, international, complex rules, urban, complex, courtly.
  • Who played real tennis
    The upper class, royalty, aristocrats, land owners
  • Why was real tennis civilised

    It was played by the upper class
  • Why was real tennis regular.
    The upper class did not work so had large amounts of leisure time in which to play
  • Why was real tennis international
    The upper class had means of travel.
  • Why did real tennis have sophisticated rules
    The upper class were well educated
  • Why was real tennis urban.
    It was played in purpose built facilities in castles and palaces.
  • Why wasn't real tennis simple
    It used specialist equipment and specialist court.
  • Why was real tennis courtly
    It was played by the upper class and royalty.
  • What characteristic does real tennis and mob football have in common.
    They both involve wagering
  • What form of recreation were both the upper and lower class involved in.
  • What was pedestrianism
    A sport involving how far individuals could walk/travel in a certain time.
  • Who performed pedestrianism
    The working class, often as part of their job as messengers.
  • How were both the working class and upper class involved in pedestrianism
    The working class performed the upper class provided the prize money and used it to wager on.
  • Name a form of recreation that was occupational.
  • List the 6 'R's to describe rational recreation.
    Regular, regional, respectable, rules codified, referees, roles and tactics involved.
  • Define Discrimination
    To treat people differently based on their ethnicity, gender, disability or class. It involves acting on a prejudice and is illegal
  • Define Socialisation
    A lifelong process by which we learn our values, beliefs and norms
  • Name the two types of socialisation
    Primary and Secondary
  • Provide an example of primary socialisation
    Parents, siblings
  • Provide an example of secondary socialisation
    Friends, peers, coach, teacher
  • Define stereotypes
    Generalisations about a group of people, e.g Black & Ethnic minorities, women, disabled or low socio economic class.
  • Define Social Control
    When society regulates our values, beliefs and norms.
  • Define Social Processes
    Are the ways in which individuals and groups influence the behaviour of each other through social interactions
  • Define Prejudice
    A preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience
  • Barriers to Participation - What does the acronym 'TIME' stand for
    Time, Income, Mobility, Education
  • Define Channelling
    When individuals are directed towards a certain sport based on their race or ethnicity
  • Define Stacking
    When individuals are directed towards certain positions based on their race or ethnicity.