
Cards (8)

  • Organic chemistry - major branch of chemistry that deals with compounds of carbon
    • if it is/was living -> organic
  • Inorganic:
    CO2, CO, CN-, CO3 2- (any ion with carbon) , metals, alloys, salts
  • Hydrocarbons:
    • Exclusively H + C atoms
    • Alphatic and Aromatic
    • Alkane
    • Alkene
    • Alkyne
    • Alicyclic rings
  • Hydrocarbon Derivative
    • C, H, and at least one other elemens (ie. O, N, Cl)
    • ex. acids, COOH
  • Alkanes and aromatics are considered saturated hydrocarbons. Alkenes and Alkynes are unsaturated
  • Meth_ C
    Eth_ C2
    Prop_ C3
    But_ C4
    Pent_ C5
    Hex_ C6
    Hept_ C7
    Oct_ C8
    Non_ C9
    Dec_ C10
  • alkanes: CnH2n+2 // cyclic: CnH2n
    alkenes: CnH2n // cyclic: CnH2n-2
    alkynes: CnH2n-2 // cyclic: CnH2n-4
  • hydrocarbons are only comprised of carbon and hydrogen, so the molecules are non-polar. Not soluble in water but ARE soluble in a non-polar solvent