paper 4

Cards (63)

  • Linear search
    1. mylist = []
    2. n = len(mylist) - 1
    3. ItemFind = input("Enter item be be found: " )
    4. ItemFind = False
    5. for i in range(0,n): if ItemFind == mylist[i]: ItemFound = True else: ItemFound = False
    6. if ItemFound == True: print("Item found")
    7. else: print("Item found")
  • Binary search
    1. myList = []
    2. upperBound = len(myList) - 1
    3. lowerBound = 0
    4. item = int(input("Enter item to be found: "))
    5. found = False
    6. while (not found) and (lowerBound <= upperBound): index = ((upperBound+lowerBound)//2)
    7. if (myList[index]): found = True
    8. if item > myList[index]: lowerBound = index + 1
    9. if item < myList[index]: upperBound = index - 1
    10. if(found): print("Item found")
    11. else: print("Item not found")
  • Insertion sort
    1. mylist = [53,21,60,8,94,18,42,19]
    2. print(mylist)
    3. n = len(mylist)
    4. print(n)
    5. for pointer in range(1,n): ItemToBeInserted = mylist[pointer]
    6. CurrentItem = pointer - 1
    7. while (mylist[CurrentItem] > ItemToBeInserted) and (CurrentItem > -1): mylist[CurrentItem + 1] = mylist[CurrentItem]
    8. CurrentItem = CurrentItem - 1
    9. mylist[CurrentItem + 1] = ItemToBeInserted
    10. print(mylist)
  • Bubble sort
    1. mylist = []
    2. n = len(mylist) - 1
    3. noMoreSwaps = False
    4. while noMoreSwaps == False: noMoreSwaps = True
    5. for i in range(0,n): if mylist[i] > mylist[i + 1]: Temp = mylist[i]
    6. mylist[i] = mylist[i + 1]
    7. mylist[i + 1] = Temp
    8. noMoreSwaps = False
  • Abstract Data Types (ADT)

    Data structures that define the operations that can be performed on them
  • Initialise stack (using ADT and OOP)
    1. Stack = [Node() for i in range(8)]
    2. TopOfStack = NULLPOINTER
    3. FreeListPtr = 0
    4. for Index in range(7): Stack[Index].Pointer = Index + 1
    5. Stack[7].Pointer = NULLPOINTER
  • Initialise stack (without ADT and OOP)
    1. TopOfStackPointer = NULLPOINTER
    2. Stack = [None for i in range(MAXSTACKSIZE)]
  • Initialise queue (using ADT and OOP)

    1. Queue = [Node() for i in range(8)]
    2. HeadOfQueue = NULLPOINTER
    3. EndOfQueue = NULLPOINTER
    4. FreeListPtr = 0
    5. for Index in range(7): Queue[Index].Pointer = Index + 1
    6. Queue[7].Pointer = NULLPOINTER
  • Initialise queue (without ADT and OOP)
    1. Queue = [EMPTYSTRING for i in range(MAXQUEUESIZE)]
    2. FrontOfQueue = NULLPOINTER
    3. EndOfQueue = NULLPOINTER
    4. NumberInQueue = 0
  • Linked list

    A data structure where each element contains a pointer to the next element
  • Initialise linked list (without OOP)
    1. myLinkedList = [27, 19, 36, 42, 16, None, None, None, None, None, None, None,]
    2. myLinkedListPointers = [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, -1]
    3. startPointer = 4
    4. nullPointer = -1
    5. heapStartPointer = startPointer + 1
  • Initialise linked list (using OOP)

    1. List = [ListNode() for i in range(8)]
    2. StartPointer = NULLPOINTER
    3. FreeListPtr = 0
    4. for Index in range(7): List[Index].Pointer = Index + 1
    5. List[7].Pointer = NULLPOINTER
  • Binary tree
    A tree-like data structure where each node has at most two child nodes
  • Initialise binary tree
    1. Tree = [TreeNode() for i in range(8)]
    2. RootPointer = NULLPOINTER
    3. FreePtr = 0
    4. for Index in range(7): Tree[Index].LeftPointer = Index + 1
  • Find item in linked list (without OOP)
    1. found = False
    2. itemPointer = startPointer
    3. while itemPointer != nullPointer and not found: if myLinkedList[itemPointer] == itemSearch: found = True
    4. else: itemPointer = myLinkedListPointers[itemPointer]
    5. return itemPointer
  • Find item in linked list (using OOP)

    1. CurrentNodePtr = StartPointer
    2. while CurrentNodePtr != NULLPOINTER and List[CurrentNodePtr].Data != DataItem: CurrentNodePtr = List[CurrentNodePtr].Pointer
    3. return(CurrentNodePtr)
  • Find item in binary tree
    1. ThisNodePtr = RootPointer
    2. while ThisNodePtr != NULLPOINTER and Tree[ThisNodePtr].Data != SearchItem: if Tree[ThisNodePtr].Data > SearchItem: ThisNodePtr = Tree[ThisNodePtr].LeftPointer
    3. else: ThisNodePtr = Tree[ThisNodePtr].RightPointer
    4. return(ThisNodePtr)
  • Push to stack (using ADT and OOP)
    1. if FreeListPtr != NULLPOINTER: NewNodePtr = FreeListPtr
    2. Stack[NewNodePtr].Data = NewItem
    3. FreeListPtr = Stack[FreeListPtr].Pointer
    4. Stack[NewNodePtr].Pointer = TopOfStack
    5. TopOfStack = NewNodePtr
    6. else: print("no space for more data")
  • Push to stack (without ADT and OOP)

    1. if TopOfStackPointer < MAXSTACKSIZE - 1: TopOfStackPointer += 1
    2. Stack[TopOfStackPointer] = NewItem
    3. else: print("stack full")
  • Join queue (using ADT and OOP)
    1. if FreeListPtr != NULLPOINTER: NewNodePtr = FreeListPtr
    2. Queue[NewNodePtr].Data = NewItem
    3. FreeListPtr = Queue[FreeListPtr].Pointer
    4. Queue[NewNodePtr].Pointer = NULLPOINTER
    5. if EndOfQueue == NULLPOINTER: HeadOfQueue = NewNodePtr
    6. else: Queue[EndOfQueue].Pointer = NewNodePtr
    7. EndOfQueue = NewNodePtr
    8. else: print("no space for more data")
  • Add to queue (without ADT and OOP)
    1. if NumberInQueue == 0: FrontOfQueue = 0
    2. if NumberInQueue < MAXQUEUESIZE: EndOfQueue += 1
    3. if EndOfQueue > MAXQUEUESIZE - 1: EndOfQueue = 0
    4. Queue[EndOfQueue] = NewItem
    5. NumberInQueue += 1
    6. else: print("no space for more data")
  • Insert into linked list (without OOP)
    1. if heapStartPointer == nullPointer: print("Linked list is full")
    2. else: tempPointer = startPointer
    3. startPointer = heapStartPointer
    4. heapStartpointer = myLinkedListPointers[heapStartPointer]
    5. myLinkedList[startPointer] = itemAdd
    6. myLinkedListPointers[startPointer] = tempPointer
    7. heapStartPointer += 1
  • Insert into linked list (using OOP)
    1. if FreeListPtr != NULLPOINTER: NewNodePtr = FreeListPtr
    2. List[NewNodePtr].Data = NewItem
    3. FreeListPtr = List[FreeListPtr].Pointer
    4. PreviousNodePtr = NULLPOINTER
    5. ThisNodePtr = StartPointer
    6. while ThisNodePtr != NULLPOINTER and List[ThisNodePtr].Data < NewItem: PreviousNodePtr = ThisNodePtr
    7. ThisNodePtr = List[ThisNodePtr].Pointer
    8. if PreviousNodePtr == NULLPOINTER: List[NewNodePtr].Pointer = StartPointer
    9. StartPointer = NewNodePtr
    10. else: List[NewNodePtr].Pointer = List[PreviousNodePtr].Pointer
    11. List[PreviousNodePtr].Pointer = NewNodePtr
    12. else: print("no space for more data")
  • Insert into binary tree
    1. if FreePtr != NULLPOINTER: NewNodePtr = FreePtr
    2. Tree[NewNodePtr].Data = NewItem
    3. FreePtr = Tree[FreePtr].LeftPointer
    4. Tree[NewNodePtr].LeftPointer = NULLPOINTER
    5. if RootPointer == NULLPOINTER: RootPointer = NewNodePtr
    6. else: ThisNodePtr = RootPointer
    7. while ThisNodePtr != NULLPOINTER: PreviousNodePtr = ThisNodePtr
    8. if Tree[ThisNodePtr].Data > NewItem: TurnedLeft = True
    9. ThisNodePtr = Tree[ThisNodePtr].LeftPointer
    10. else: TurnedLeft = False
    11. ThisNodePtr = Tree[ThisNodePtr].RightPointer
    12. if TurnedLeft: Tree[PreviousNodePtr].LeftPointer = NewNodePtr
    13. else: Tree[PreviousNodePtr].RightPointer = NewNodePtr
    14. else: print("no space for more data")
  • Pop from stack (using ADT and OOP)
    1. if TopOfStack == NULLPOINTER: print("no data on stack")
    2. Value = Stack[TopOfStack].Data
    3. ThisNodePtr = TopOfStack
    4. TopOfStack = Stack[TopOfStack].Pointer
    5. Stack[ThisNodePtr].Pointer = FreeListPtr
    6. FreeListPtr = ThisNodePtr
  • Pop from stack (without ADT and OOP)
    1. Item = EMPTYSTRING
    2. if TopOfStackPointer == NULLPOINTER: print("no data on stack")
    3. else: Item = Stack[TopOfStackPointer]
    4. TopOfStackPointer -= 1
    5. return(Stack, TopOfStackPointer, Item)
  • Leave queue (using ADT and OOP)
    1. if HeadOfQueue != NULLPOINTER: Value = Queue[HeadOfQueue].Data
    2. ThisNodePtr = Queue[HeadOfQueue].Pointer
  • Pop (using ADT and OOP)
    1. If TopOfStack == NULLPOINTER: print("no data on stack"), Value = ""
    2. Value = Stack[TopOfStack].Data
    3. ThisNodePtr = TopOfStack, TopOfStack = Stack[TopOfStack].Pointer, Stack[ThisNodePtr].Pointer = FreeListPtr, FreeListPtr = ThisNodePtr
  • Pop (without ADT and OOP)
    1. If TopOfStackPointer == NULLPOINTER: print("no data on stack")
    2. Item = Stack[TopOfStackPointer], TopOfStackPointer -= 1
  • LeaveQueue (using ADT and OOP)
    1. If HeadOfQueue != NULLPOINTER: Value = Queue[HeadOfQueue].Data, ThisNodePtr = Queue[HeadOfQueue].Pointer, If ThisNodePtr == NULLPOINTER: EndOfQueue = NULLPOINTER, Queue[HeadOfQueue].Pointer = FreeListPtr, FreeListPtr = HeadOfQueue, HeadOfQueue = ThisNodePtr
    2. Else: print("queue empty"), Value = ""
  • RemoveFromQueue (without ADT and OOP)
    1. If NumberInQueue > 0: Item = Queue[FrontOfQueue], NumberInQueue -= 1, If NumberInQueue == 0: FrontOfQueue = NULLPOINTER, EndOfQueue = NULLPOINTER, Else: FrontOfQueue += 1, If FrontOfQueue > MAXQUEUESIZE - 1: FrontOfQueue = 0
    2. Else: print("queue empty")
  • delete (Linked List without OOP)

    1. If startPointer == nullPointer: print("Linked List empty")
    2. Else: index = startPointer, While myLinkedList[index] != itemDelete and index != nullPointer: oldIndex = index, index = myLinkedListPointers[index], If index == nullPointer: print("Item", itemDelete, "not found"), Else: myLinkedList[index] = None, tempPointer = myLinkedListPointers[index], myLinkedListPointers[index] = heapStartPointer, heapStartPointer = index, myLinkedListPointers[oldIndex] = tempPointer
  • DeleteNode (Linked List using OOP)

    1. ThisNodePtr = StartPointer, While ThisNodePtr != NULLPOINTER and List[ThisNodePtr].Data != DataItem: PreviousNodePtr = ThisNodePtr, ThisNodePtr = List[ThisNodePtr].Pointer, If ThisNodePtr != NULLPOINTER: If ThisNodePtr == StartPointer: StartPointer = List[StartPointer].Pointer, Else: List[PreviousNodePtr].Pointer = List[ThisNodePtr].Pointer, List[ThisNodePtr].Pointer = FreeListPtr, FreeListPtr = ThisNodePtr
    2. Else: print("data does not exist in list")
  • factorial (recursive)
    If n == 0: return 1, Else: return n * factorial(n - 1)
  • fibonacci (recursive)

    If n <= 1: return n, Else: return (fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2))
  • tower_of_hanoi (recursive)
    1. If n == 1: print(f"Move disk 1 from rod {from_rod} to rod {to_rod}"), return
    2. tower_of_hanoi(n - 1, from_rod, aux_rod, to_rod)
    3. print(f"Move disk {n} from rod {from_rod} to rod {to_rod}")
    4. tower_of_hanoi(n - 1, aux_rod, to_rod, from_rod)
  • read_file
    1. Try: with open(filename, "r") as file: content =, return content
    2. Except FileNotFoundError: print(f"Error: {filename} not found."), return None
    3. Except IOError: print(f"Error: Unable to read {filename}."), return None
  • write_to_file
    1. Try: with open(filename, "w") as file: file.write(content), print(f"Data written to {filename} successfully.")
    2. Except IOError: print(f"Error: Unable to write to {filename}.")
  • append_to_file
    1. Try: with open(filename, "a") as file: file.write(content), print(f"Data appended to {filename} successfully.")
    2. Except IOError: print(f"Error: Unable to write to {filename}.")
  • read_record_from_file
    1. Try: with open(filename, "r") as file: record = file.readline().strip(), If record: return record, Else: print("No more records found in the file."), return None
    2. Except FileNotFoundError: print(f"Error: {filename} not found."), return None
    3. Except IOError: print(f"Error: Unable to read from {filename}."), return None