2 Months: Holds head up with support, Begins to push up when lying on tummy, Makes smoother movements with arms and legs
4 Months: Holds head steady without support, Pushes down on legs when feet are on a hard surface, Rolls over from tummy to back, Holds and shakes toys, swings at dangling toys, Brings hands to mouth, Pushes up to elbows when lying on tummy
6 Months: Rolls over both from stomach to back and from back to stomach, Begins to sit with support, Supports weight on legs when standing and might bounce, Rocks back and forth, sometimes crawls backward before moving forward
9 Months: Crawls, Sits without support, Moves into sitting position with support, Stands, holding on to adult or furniture for support, Pulls to stand
1 Year: Moves into sitting position without support, Pulls up to stand and walks alone while holding onto furniture, Takes few steps without support of adult or furniture, Stands alone
18 Months: Walks alone, Runs, Pulls toys while walking, Helps undress self, Drinks from a cup, Eats with a spoon
2 Years: Begins to run, Climbs onto and down from furniture without support, Walks up and down starts while holding on for support, Throws ball overhand, Draws or copies straight lines and circles, Stands on tiptoes, Kicks a ball