Corriedale - was a stabilized cross between Merino and several English breeds
What was the primary export function for most of sheep production history? What is it now?
Wool, meat
What are the animal welfare reasons to harvest wool?
Fly strike, heat, weight of fleece, welfare requires annual shearing
Lambs are born in Spring from matings which occur the previous Autumn
What's a ewes gestation length?
~145-150 days
Lamb only comes from sheep which have not erupted their first adult incisors (at around 1 year of age). Therefore, lambs will have been slaughtered or be two-tooths by June the following year.
In sheep the major income is from lamb sales, therefore efficiency and profit is determined by:
Number of lambs born alive, number of lambs weaned, growth rates of lambs, mature weight of ewe
As lambs grow faster, they'll consume less herbage in total. How?
Increasing growth rate causes dilution of maintenance, feed costs decrease associated operating costs as well
What are some benefits to faster growing lambs if they're going to slaughter?
Lower feed requirements if destined for slaughter, reduced time on farm before slaughter, less labor requirements
What are some benefits to faster growing lambs if they're to be replacement ewes?
Easier breeding as a hogget, allows some some flexibility in the growth curve later on in the season
What increases farm income?
Increasing lambing percentage/weight
What decreases farm income?
Increasing lamb growth rates
At higherlambingpercentages the impact of increasedweaningweights is greater than an additional increase in lambing percentages