
Cards (52)

  • Lambing percentage
    Number of lambs weaned divided by ewes presented for breeding
  • What are some effects of poor LP?
    Less efficient ewes (less kg lamb/kg ewe), less lambs for sale/selection for replacements, poor utilization of spring feed - loss of pasture quality in summer
  • Ovulation rate
    Sets potential for number of lambs weaned; key factor in lambing percentage
  • Management plan
    Strategy to maximize ovulation rate within a ewe flock
  • Liveweight
    Mean weight per 100 ewes; affects potential lambs born and failed
  • Reproductive wastage
    Survey data on potential lambs born, losses, and wastage per 100 ewes joined
  • Static weight effect 

    Ewes that are heavier, have greater ovulation rates than lighter ewes
  • Dynamic weight effect
    High levels of nutrition in the weeks prior to breeding can increase ovulation rate (increases in weight)
  • When is the response larger in the dynamic effect?
    Lighter poor condition animals
  • A loss in LW during the dynamic effect will?
    Reduce ovulation rate
  • Pt 2 - 57 to 57 kg = 78% multiple ovulations, is an example of which effect?
    Static effect
  • Pt X - 63 to 57 kg = 65% multiple ovulations, is an example of which effect?
    Losing weight
  • Pt 3 - 51 to 57 kg = 88% multiple ovulations, is an example of which effect?
    Dynamic effect
  • What do farmers need to do to maximize ovulation rate but minimize the amount of feed consumed?
    Split ewes two to three months pre-breeding (i.e. at or around weaning), hold heavier/better condition ewes Improve the lighter poorer condition ewes by better feeding
  • Pasture quality
    Key factors for ewes to gain weight: good quality, sward height, and pasture mass
  • Pasture allowance
    Minimum 4 kg DM/d for ewe to gain 100g/d
  • Sward height
    Optimal between 4 and 8 cm for ewe intake
  • Pasture mass
    Ranges from 1200 to 1800 kgDM/ha for ideal intake
  • Poor quality indicator
    Pasture covers above 1800 kgDM/ha
  • Intake restriction
    Ewe intake restricted below 1200 kgDM/ha
  • Energy supplementation
    Increases ovulation rate, not common in NZ
  • Protein supplementation
    Can increase ovulation rate, not widely used in NZ
  • Crossbreeding advantage
    Allows faster increase in ovulation rate than within-breed selection
  • Age of dam impact
    Ovulation rate peaks at 5-6 years, lowest in hoggets
  • Breeding season timing
    Ovulation rate peaks at 3rd cycle, breeding can be timed to maximize ovulation rate
  • Male effect
    Ram introduction to induce cyclic activity for early breeding
  • When is the male effect only effective?
    Just prior to the spontaneous onset of breeding
  • Phyto-oestrogens impact
    Red clover, lucerne can be used to increase ovulation rate if ewes graze these well before breeding/gain LW or condition, remove 3 weeks pre-breeding
  • What does lucerne release in response to fungal infection and insect attack?
  • Mycotoxins impact
    Zearalenone reduces ovulation rates, active in autumn
  • Facial eczema
    Caused by Sporidesmin from Pithomyces chartarium fungus found on dead ryegrass material
  • What conditions does FE prefer?
    Moist and humid with warm nights in autum
  • What affect can FE have?
    Loss in LW leading to lower ovulation rate
  • How can sheep be protected from FE?
    Select resistant animals, zinc capsule, etc
  • Ryegrass Endophyte Purpose
    Alkaloid in ryegrass protects it from insect attacks
  • Ryegrass Alkaloid Effects
    Causes uncoordinated movement, heat stress, reduced intake/LW
  • Ryegrass Staggers Impact on Ovulation Rate
    Results in live weight loss, reducing ovulation rates
  • Parasite Stress on Ovulation Rate
    High internal parasite burden lowers ovulation rate due to live weight loss
  • Exogenous Hormones for Ovulation Rate
    Androvax/multi-lamb immunization lifts LP by 14-20%
  • Shearing just prior to breeding can result in a short period of non cycling and therefore drop in ovulation rate. Shearing should be avoided within 4 weeks of breeding.