Statistical testing: sign test

Cards (5)

  • Sign test:
    • convert data to nominal data
    • from table add up the pluses and minuses
    • take the less frequent sign and call this S
    • compare S value to critical value
  • Sign test:
    The calculated value of S must be equal to or less than the critical value for there to be a significant difference.
  • To use the sign test:
    • we need to be looking for a difference not an association
    • we need to have used a repeated measures design
    • we need data that is organised into categories (nominal data)
  • Null hypothesis= no difference/association between two variables or in the population
  • To use the table of critical values you need:
    • the significance level (0.05 or 5%)
    • number of participants in the investigation
    • whether the hypothesis is directional (one-tailed test) or non-directional (two-tailed test)