Similar to a class but with restrictions: all methods are implicitly abstract and public, cannot have instance variables (but can have constants), can extend other interfaces, and is implemented by a class using the 'implements' keyword
All methods are implicitly abstract and public
Cannot have instance variables (but can have constants)
Can extend other interfaces
Implemented by a class using the 'implements' keyword
Java does not allow for multiple inheritance, but interfaces can be used to achieve similar advantages
An interface is a type that groups together a number of different classes that all include method definitions for a common set of method headings
An interface specifies the headings for methods that must be defined for any class that implements the interface
An interface contains method headings and constant definitions only, no instance variables or complete method definitions
Interfaces are implicitly abstract, and all methods in an interface are implicitly abstract and public
Implementing an Interface Type
Include 'implements Interface_Name' in class definition
2. Implement all method headings listed in the interface definitions
Converting Between Class and Interface Types
Can convert from a class type to an interface type if the class implements the interface, but cannot convert between unrelated types
Narrowing the scope of the overridden methods in the implementing class is a common error
Inner (or Nested) Classes
Classes defined/declared within other classes or interfaces, where the class that includes the inner class is called the outer class
Within the definition of a method of an inner class, it is legal to reference a private instance variable of the outer class or invoke a private method of the outer class
Within the definition of a method of the outer class, it is legal to reference a private instance variable of the inner class on an object of the inner class or invoke a non-static method of the inner class
Four categories of Java inner classes
Non-static inner classes: Member inner classes, Local classes, Anonymous classes
Static nested classes
Member Inner Class
A non-static class that is created inside a class but outside a method
Within the definition of a method of the outer class, it is legal to reference a private instance variable of the inner class on an object of the inner class
Within the definition of a method of the outer class, it is legal to invoke a (non-static) method of the inner class as long as an object of the inner class is used as a calling object
Within the definition of the inner or outer classes, the modifiers public and private are equivalent
Four categories of Java inner classes
Non-static inner classes
Member inner classes
Local classes (defined inside a block of Java code)
Anonymous classes (defined inside a block of Java code)
Static nested classes
Member Inner Class
A class created within class and outside method
Local Inner Class
A class created within method
Anonymous Inner Class
A class created for implementing interface or extending class. Its name is decided by the Java compiler
Static Nested Class
A static class created within class
Nested Interface
An interface created within class or interface
static is used for a constant, variable or a method that is same for every instance of a class
Member Inner Class
A non-static class that is created inside a class but outside a method
If an inner class is marked with the public modifier instead of private, then it can be used outside of the outer class
To create an object of the non-static inner class, you must start with an object of the outer class
For a static inner class, you can create objects of a public static inner class and do so outside of the inner class—in fact, even outside of the outer class
If both the inner and outer classes have a method with the same name, and the intent is to invoke the method in the outer class, then the following invocation must be used: OuterClassName.this.methodName()
Nesting inner classes within inner classes
The rules are the same as before, but the names get longer
Inner Classes and Inheritance
Given an OuterClass that has an InnerClass. If you derive DerivedClass from OuterClass, then DerivedClass automatically has InnerClass as an inner class just as if it were defined within DerivedClass
Local Inner Class
A class that is created inside a method
Local inner class cannot be invoked from outside the method
If you want to invoke the methods of local inner class, you must instantiate this class inside the method
Local classes are completely hidden in their containing block
A local class can access instance variables of the outer class and any local variable [only the final local variables (till jdk 1.7 only)] of the enclosing block
Anonymous Inner Class
A class that has no name
It should be used if you have to override method of class or interface
It can be created by two ways: 1. Class (may be abstract or concrete), 2. Interface
The class definition is embedded inside the expression with the new operator
Anonymous class has no constructors
It is either derived from a class or implements an interface
Static Nested Class
A static class created inside a class
It cannot access non-static data members and methods
It can be accessed by outer class name
It can access static data members of outer class including private
Static nested class cannot access non-static (instance) data member or method
If you have the static member inside static nested class, you don't need to create instance of static nested class
Compiling any class in Java produces a (.class) file named: ClassName.class
Compiling a class with one or more inner classes causes both (or more) classes to be compiled and produces two or more (.class) files such as: ClassName.class and ClassName$InnerClassName.class
Often, instead of having one action listener object deal with all the action events in a GUI, a separate ActionListener class is created for each button or menu item
Each button or menu item has its own unique action listener
When this approach is used, each class is usually made a private inner class