Theories of beliefs

Cards (46)

  • What are the three definitions that sociologist define religion ?
    substantive definitions
    functional definitions
    social constructionist definitions
  • What is the substantive definition of religion? (Weber)
    Focus on the content or substance of Religious beliefs E.G believing in God or the supernatural
  • what dose Weber say about the substantive definition?
    Defines religion as a belief in a superior or supernatural power. That is above nature and cannot be explained scientifically. These are exclusive they draw a clear line between religion and non-religious beliefs. Our religion is a set of beliefs that believe in God or the supernatural. This is a widespread belief
  • a weakness of the substantive definition? (Weber)
    however, this leaves no room for beliefs and practices that do not believe in a God. Also has Western bias as it ignores religions like Buddhism.
  • What is the functional definition of religion? (Durkheim)
    defines religion in terms of the social or psychological function it performs for individuals or society
  • What does Durkheim say about functional definitions of religion?
    Defines religion in the terms of the contribution it makes to societal integration rather than any specific belief in a God all the supernatural
  • what dose Yinger say about functional definitions of religion?
    identifies functions that religion performs for individuals, such as answering the ultimate questions about the meaning of life
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the functional definitions? (Durkheim)
    • As strength is this definition is inclusive, so includes a wide range of beliefs that perform functions such as integration and there is no bias to non-Western religions
    A weaknesses that not all institutions that integrate individuals into groups are a reflection, E.G collectivists chanting at a football game
  • What is the social construction definition of religion?
    It is an interpreted view of how members of society defined religion. Cannot produce a single definition of religion as religion means so many different things to different people. Religion does not always involve a belief in a God, nor does it perform the same functions in all societies for all people
  • Who is interested in how definitions are converted and fought over ?
    Aldridge - Scientology is a religion for its followers, but several governments have bandit and defined it its status
  • What are weaknesses of the social constructionist – definition?
    it makes it difficult to generalise the nature of religion
  • what is the Functionalist View of religion?
    Durkheim says religion helps to maintain the values and consensus through the sacred and profane
  • What does Durkheim say about the sacred and profane?
    The key features of Religion is the fundamental distinction between the sacred and the profane. Religion isn’t just a set of beliefs, but involves defining rituals or practices in relation to the sacred and these are collective they are performed by social groups.
  • What do you mean by profane? (Durkheim)
    Things that have no special significance
  • What do you mean by the sacred? (Durkheim)
    Sacred things evoke a powerful feeling, therefore, they are a symbols That represent great power. In his view, this is society itself so people worship, sacred symbols they worship society itself. Symbols perform the essential function of uniting beliefs into a singular moral community.
  • who looked at Totemism?

  • what is Totemism? (Durkheim)

    The essence of all religion is found, studying its simplest form in the simplest form of society-clan society
  • Totemism- where did Durkheim study?
    in Arunta an Australian Aboriginal tribe with clan system
  • what did Durkheim find in Arunta?

    • Bands of can come together to worship a sacred totem.
    • The totem is the clans emblem search as a plant or animal, that symbolises the clans identity. The rituals reinforces solidarity, and a sense of belonging. The client believed they are worshipping society, even though they don’t realise this the individuals feeling of awe in the members representing the power of the group on which the individual is utterly dependent
  • The collective conscience - Durkheim?

    • Sacred symbols represents societies, Collective conscience.
    • Without collective, Conscience society would be disintegrate.
    • Rituals Bond us to society and each other that and remind us of the power of society.
    • So it performs an important function for the individual, so we feel a part of something greater and which gives us strength to face challenges of society.
  • What is the cognitive functions of religion?
    religion is the source of intellectual and cognitive capabilities. E.G in order to sync at all, we need to categorise such time, space, cause and we use them categories to share our thoughts.
    • Religion is the origin of the concept and the categories needed for reasoning and understanding the world.
  • who talks about Primitive classification?
    Durkheim and Mauss
  • what is primitive classification- Durkheim and Mauss?

    Religion provides the basic categories such as time, space, cause (God created the world and the time began) Dividing tribes into class gives humans their fast notion of classification.
    • Therefore, religion is the origin of human thought, reason and science.
  • What are criticisms of Durkheim?
    • Worsley- there is no sharp division between the sacred, and the profane different plans share the same totem easier to apply Durkheim’s view to a small scale society with a single religion. What about largest societies where there are two or more religions in conflicts with each other
    Post-modernist Mestrovic These ideas cannot be applied to contemporary Societies as in increasingly diversity fragments The collective conscience so there is no longer single shared Value system for religion to reinforce
  • Who talks about the Psychological function of religion?

  • what dose Malinowski say about religion?
    Agrees that religion, promotes Solidarity as religion helps people to cope with emotional stress that would undermine social solidarity
  • what dose Malinowski say about the psychological function of religion using examples?
    • when the outcome is important, but is uncontrollable,
    • studying the Trobrian islands in the western Pacific, he contrasted fishing in the lagoon versus the ocean. lagoon fishing is safe and predictable. There is no ritual where is the ocean fishing is dangerous and unpredictable accompanied. canoe Magic. To ensure a safe and successful expedition, giving them a sense of control using stress and giving confidence to undertake a dangerous task
  • what dose Malinowski say about the psychological function of religion using examples?
    • At times of life, crisis, birth, puberty, marriage, and death, mark major and disruptive changes in social groups. Religion, minimises disturbance. E.G attending a funeral reinforces, a sense of solidarity and gives comfort to the bereaved.
    • Malinowski- Death is the main reason for religion
  • Who talks about values and meanings?
  • What does Parsons say about values and meaning?
    • religion helps people to cope with the challenges in life as it creates and legitimises societies, central values, religion Sacralises the norms of values of society, E.G Protestantism in the USA, sacralised the core American values of meritocracy and self discipline.
    it is also the primary source of meaning it answers the ultimate questions such as why the good die. These events could make us feel that life is meaningless. Religion defines that
  • Bella’s is interested in civil religion?
    Bella’s is interested in our religion unifies and multi faith society. civil religion is a belief system that attaches sacred qualities to society itself, E.G the American way of life. This integrates society in a way, the individual religions cannot civil religion claims. The loyalty of all Americans loyalty to the nation state
  • Marxist view on religion?
    Religion is a feature of a class divided society. There is no need for religion in classless society and it will disappear.
  • Carl Marxs religion as an ideology?
    The class that controls the economy institution in society also control the protection and distribution of ideas. Religion is ideological weapon, used by the ruling class to legitimise the suffering of the poor as something inevitable and God-given. The poor believe this suffering is virtuous and they will be favoured in the afterlife.
  • religion as ideology - Lenin(founder of the Soviet union)?
    Described religion as spiritual gain the ruling class, use religion to manipulate the masses and prevent them from overthrowing the system. It creates a mystical fog that Reality. It Also, legitimates, powerful and privilege. The divine rights of kings said that kings is gods representative on earth and is owed total obedience
  • Religion and alienation -Althusser?
    Religion is the product of alienation workers are alienated because they do not own what they produce or have control over it so no freedom. The exploited time to religion as a form of consolation. Religion is the opium of the people. It is the sigh of The oppressed creatures, the heart of a heartless world, the soul of a soulless condition, the spirit of the spiritless situation
  • Weaknesses of the Marxist view on religion?
    It ignores her religion, brings people together as one creating identities, as suggested by Durkheim outdated because more people are becoming sacralised
  • What are the strengths of the Marxist view on religion?
    Religion does have a hierarchy in them, which is represented in Capitalist society, religion, legitimises capitalism
  • What is the feminist view on religion?
    Religion is a patriarchal institution, which legitimises female subordination (Women are weaker)
  • Evidence of Patriarchal?
    • Religious organise -Many are male dominated. Orthodox Judaism and Catholicism The women from becoming priests. Armstrong sees this as evidence of marginalisation
    • Place of worship -Often segregates the sexes and marginalises women. Taboos That regarded menstruation pregnancy and child bath.G menstruating women are not allowed to touch the Quran. Holm Describes this as the devaluation of women in religion
  • Evidence of Patriarchal?
    • Sacred text - Largely features, male, gods and prophets. Usually written and interpreted by men Religion, laws, and customs -Women have fewer rights than men,
    • E.G decision-making dress code, how many spouses they marry. Cultural norms may lead to unequal treatment e.g female Genital mutilation