Health and human rights

Cards (35)

  • Shariah Law

    Muslims' full potential, theft - hand cut off
  • Evo Morales, Bolivia
    • 43% decrease in poverty, renationalisation of gas and oil so it can be spent on welfare
  • Niger Delta
    • 70% live below the poverty line, 2014-2018 had 820 oil spills, 4.1 million litres lost
  • UNESCO, 2013, 59 million primary school kids not attending school
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
    • 40% of 4-15 year olds forced to work, life expectancy of 56
  • Algeria
    • 10 years of school, 76 life expectancy
  • Aborigines
    • Life expectancy is 10 years shorter than Australians
  • 1 in 8 people worldwide go hungry, but maternal death has decreased by 45%
  • 2.5 bn people do not have basic sanitation
  • Declaration of Human Rights
    1948, all humans are born free and equal
  • European Convention on Human Rights
    1950, protects freedom and life
  • Geneva Convention
    Victims of conflicts have the right to humane treatment, protection and respect
  • China
    • Authoritarian, human rights neglected, automatically elected
  • India
    • Democratic, freedom of speech and religion
  • Sweatshops
    • 50% of workers in Bangladesh face physical violence
  • Rwanda Genocide
    • 1 million Tutsis died in 100 days
  • Sudan and Libya
    • Ranked 180 for corruption - lowest
  • Haiti 2010
    • Aid not fully given, 177/180 corruption rank
  • The voluntary target of 0.7% of GNI to aid has not been met
  • Trade Embargoes
    • Affected UK, Ukraine vs Russia = didn't buy gas
  • 0.7% of aid is spent on military, which could be abused
  • Malaria
    • In 2014, 1/2 of Africa had mosquito nets
  • Cholera Crisis
    • Huge cost 10bn , 21,000 - 143,000 deaths every year
  • Gender Equality
    • In 2014, the US gave $30 million for equality, which decreased maternal deaths
  • Niger Delta
    • Shell paid $83.5 billion to clean up
  • Libya 2011
    • UN authorized force to protect civilians, 100,000 died
  • 2019
    • US sending 200 troops and missiles into Saudi Arabia due to oil attacks, Israel gets $3.1 billion of US aid
  • Niger
    • 146 GNI ranking in 2012, 186 HDI rank
  • Netherlands
    • 1 GNI rank in 2012, 4 HDI rank
  • Guatemala
    • Received $18 million between 1992-2000 to rebuild their justice systems, achieved democracy in 1971
  • China, Hong Kong
    • Hong Kong wants democracy - protest, separate branch from China
  • Haiti
    • 70% of healthcare and 85% of schooling from NGOs
  • China Aid
    • 2014-2016 donated $344 million to Bolivia
  • Afghanistan
    • 2001-2014 - US invaded from 9/11 attacks, 149,000 deaths
  • Iraq
    • 2014-2021, $3.5 billion costs, USA trained 189000 troops, provided support to fight terrorism - Hamas