the active site is the part of an enzyme where substrate molecules bind to form an enzyme-substrate complex
metabolites - molecules produced in metabolic reactions that are not used in the synthesis of new molecules
globular proteins
active site determined by tertiary structure
turnover rate- the number of reactions that an enzyme can molecule can catalyse per second
intracellular enzymes - enzymes that work inside cells
eg catalyse - protects cell from damage by breaking down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, involved in phagocytosis
extracellular enzymes - work outside cells catalysing hydrolysis reactions to break down macromolecules
eg - amylase: produced in salivary glands to digest starch into maltose
eg - trypsin: produced in pancreas to break peptide bonds
how enzymes work
the role of enzymes is to speed up metabolic reactions
enzymes make substrates into products - can be catabolic reactions (where substrates are broken down) or anabolic reactions (where substrates are joined)
lactase - breakdown of lactose into glucose and galactose
catalase - breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen
rubisco - binding of carbon dioxide to rubp in the stroma
atp-ase - breakdown of atp to produce adp and pi
glycogen synthease - enzyme that catalyses the conversion of glucose into glycogen
activation energy
energy stored in bonds between atoms
bonds must be broken to bind new atoms
activation energy is the extra energy required to begin a chemical reaction
enzymes decrease activation energy by providing an active site where reactions can occur more easily
anabolic reactions - if two molecules need to be joined, attaching to the enzyme holds them close together in the correct orientation, reducing repulsion between the molecules so they can bind more easily
catabolic reactions - fitting into the active site puts a strain upon bonds in the substrate, this means the molecule breaks up more easily
lock and key - enzyme and substrate must be complementary to each other
induced fit - the active site changes shape slightly to fit the substrate upon collision
factors affecting rate of reaction
temperature - as temp increase the kinetic energy increases, more frequent collisions, enzymes denature at high temps
pH - as pH increases enzyme activity increases, enzymes denature at both extremes
substrate concentration - more frequent collisions at beginning, more substrate complexes
enzyme concentration - initial increase, substrate concentration is limiting factor
kinetic energy and collusion theory
molecules move randomly because of kinetic energy and collisions happen and random. As a fluid is heated, the kinetic energy of molecules increases and collisions occur more frequently. These collisions occur with greater force.
enzyme substrate complexes form
optimum temperature - the temperature that gives the maximum rate of reaction.
increase the temp too high and the molecules in the protein will vibrate too much and the bonds in the tertiary structure will break
denaturation - when the tertiary structure of the enzyme if changed
vibrations can break hydrogen and ionic bonds
rate of reaction and temperature coefficient
ror = 1/time taken to reach end point (s-1)
the temperature coefficient refers to the increase in the rate of a process when the temp is increased by 10
in most ror is doubled for every 10
q 10 formula
pH - measure of the proton concentration, the higher the H+ conc the lower the pH value
H+ ions affect the ionic and hydrogen bonds in ternary structure of protein because of their positive charge
the induced fit theory states that an important part of enzyme function is that the active site relies on charged area on the R groups of amino acids
H+ ions are attracted to negatively charged groups and cluster around them
how cells modify enzyme concentration
enzyme avaliability depends on the rate of synthesis of the enzyme and its rate of degradation, which are controlled by the cell
enzyme synthesis - genes can be switched on/off
enzyme degradation - proteins broken down into amino acids. Useful for eliminating abnormal proteins and regulating metabolism
initial reaction rate - the maximum possible rate for an enzyme under conditions of the experiment
limiting factors cause plateaus
measuring rate of enzyme controlled reaction
measure how much product appears over a period of time
measure how much substrate disappears over a period of time
cofactors - non-protein molecules that are required for enzyme activity
inorganic cofactors - ions
not permanently bound
help enzyme and substrate bind
don't participate in reaction therefore not used up
ion can affect charge distribution
eg chloride ions and amylase
organic cofactors - coenzymes
non-protein molecules bind temporarily to active site
can be carriers moving chemical groups
eg NAD and FAD
prosthetic groups - coenzymes that are permanent parts of an enzyme
carbonic anhydrase contains zinc as a prosthetic group
carbonic anhydrase converts c02 into carbonic acid
enzyme inhibitors - any substance that slows down the rate of reaction by affecting the enzyme
can be reversible or irreversible and can affect active site or allosteric site
inhibitors can be reversible or irreversible, depending on the bonds
covalent bonds - inhibitor cannot be removed therefore irreversible
hydrogen bonds - inhibitor can be removed therefore reversible
competitive inhibition - molecules with a similar shape to the enzyme active site, block the active site from binding with the substrate
the level of inhibition is dependent on the relative concentration of inhibitor and substrate
non competitive inhibition - bind to the allosteric site, changing the active site of the enzyme
increasing concentration of substrate won't affect
end product inhibition - the end product bins to an earlier enzyme in the sequence (reversible non competitive) changing the active site and reducing ror, causing less product to be made