cultural bias

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  • key terms
    culture= rules, customs and morals of a society
    cultural bias= tendancy to judge all cultures in terms of own cultural assumptions, biasing judgement
    cultural relavisim=view that cultural behaviour cannot be judged properly unless they are viewed in context of culture they originate
  • example cultural relativism
    • Milgram’s study into obedience was originally conducted using 40 male American participants, but then also replicated using.
    • Spanish students -found over 90% obedience rates in Spanish students) 
    • Australian students- only 16% of female participants continued to the highest voltage setting, this suggests that Milgram’s original results were specifically bound to American cultures. 
  • key words
    imposed etic- when research designed by one culture is then incorrectly applied to another eg Ainsworth attachment types were generalised despite being from American families
    ethnocentrism- seeing things from fixed cultural point of view and that it is the normal way- seeing other cultures as abnormal as a result
  • etic constructs
    • analyses behaviour focusing on universality
    • univeral factors found across all cultures
    • look at behaviour from outside our culture
  • emic constructs
    • specific to a given culture and vary from one culture to another
    • view behaviour inside cultural systems