
Cards (5)

  • intro - prochaska's six stage model
    • cyclical nature, positive and dynamic approach, people differ in how ready they are to give up their addiction, depends on stage individual is in how useful intervention is
  • Stages;
    • pre-contemplation
    • contemplation
    • preparation
    • action
    • maintenance
    • termination
    • pre-contemplation - does not consider themselves having a problem - intervention = help addict to consider change
    • contemplation - now thinking about changing and have awareness they need to take action - intervention = understand the pros outweighs the cons
    • preparation - person believes benefits of changing behaviour are outweighing the costs. intervention = constructing a plan e.g. GP appointment
    • Action - individual has done something to change their behaviour in the last six months e.g. therapy - intervention = develop coping strategies
    • maintenance - maintained some change of behaviour for 6 or more months, avoiding situations where cues can trigger addiction - intervention = applying coping strategies
    • termination - Newly acquired behaviours such as abstinence become automatic, no longer turns to addictive behaviours to cope with stress, anxiety, no intervention
  • Relapse - not considered as failure, can occur at any time (expect termination), would return to earlier stages.