Functional Roles of Muscles & Types of Contraction

Cards (10)

  • Points of Attachment
    • insertion - point of muscular attachment to a moveable joint/bone which gets closer to the origin during muscular contraction
    • origin - point of muscular attachment to a stationary bone which stays relatively fixed during muscular contraction
  • Antagonistic Muscle Action
    muscles work in pairs/groups to produce coordinated movement
  • Agonist
    muscle responsible for creating movement at a joint, primer mover
  • Antagonist
    muscle that opposes the agonist providing resistance for coordinated movement
  • Fixator
    muscle that stabilises one part of the body while another causes movements
  • Types of Muscle Contraction
    • isometric
    • isotonic
    • isotonic concentric
    • isotonic eccentric
  • Isometric Contractions
    when the muscle contracts without lengthening or shortening whilst producing tension
    holds the body in a stationary position, no movement occurs

    e.g crucifix on rings in gymnastics
  • Isotonic Contractions
    muscular contraction which changes length during its contraction
    either eccentric or concentric
  • Eccentric Contraction

    muscular contraction which lengthens while under tension
    a type of isotonic contraction which causes extension
    e.g bicep brachii in the downwards phase of bicep curl
  • Concentric Contraction 

    muscular contraction which shortens while producing tension
    a type of isotonic contraction which causes flexion
    e.g bicep brachii in the upwards phase of bicep curl