Nature vs nurture

Cards (5)

  • Learning approaches

    Behaviourists characterised babies as 'blank slates' at birth and suggest that all behaviour comes about through learned associations, reinforcement contingencies or, in the case of social learning theory, observation and imitation.
  • Biological approach
    The biological approach argues from a position that behaviour is the result of a genetic blueprint that we inherit from our parents, though the way it is expressed is influenced by the environment.
  • Psychodynamic approach

    Freud thought that much of our behaviour was driven by biological drives and instincts, but he also saw relationships with parents as playing a fundamental role in future development.
  • Humanistic approach 

    Humanistic psychologists regard parents, friends and wider society as having a critical impact on the person's self-concept.
  • Cognitive approach

    Cognitive psychologists would recognise that many of our information processing abilities and schema are innate, they are constantly refined through experience.