
Cards (7)

  • Chanukah
    Jewish celebration, celebrated in Winter. The menorah is an important part of this story.
  • Menorah
    The Hebrew word for lamp and it has 7 or 8 branches.
  • Holi
    Good triumphs over evil, coloured powder is thrown for joy. They have a bonfire and burn a statue of Holika.
  • Diwali
    Rama + Sita, Gods defeat 10 headed Ravana after Sita was kidnapped by him.
  • Moses
    Moses made 10 plagues (the last one was the death of the first born son) towards the Egyptians so they would free the Israelites as the Pharaoh already said no, he ended up freeing them and parted the sea after the Egyptians regretted their decision to let them go.
  • Passover Meal (Pesach)
    • Lamb's blood on door post to protect Israelite boys
    • Roasted egg - new life
    • Green vegetables - spring
    • Bitter herb - bitterness of slavery
    • Parsley dipped in salt water - bitterness, tears
    • Charoset - apple + wine as cement
    • Flat bread (matzah) - the Israelites didn't have time for bread to rise when running away
  • Things they do during Passover
    • Remember the bravery of their ancestors
    • Same food
    • Family traditions, come together
    • Readings in Hebrew
    • Youngest child has to find Matzah
    • Youngest child reads Haggadah
    • In springtime
    • Remembering ancestors who died and being thankful for the ones that survived
    • Have to clean the house so there is no bread, crumbs or stuff with wheat/ yeast