Lymphatic System

Cards (14)

  • Erythrocytes
    • No nuclei
    • Biconcave and elastic allowing them to squeeze through capillaries.
    • Contains haemoglobin.
    • Transport O2 as haemoglobin from lungs to cells
    • Transports CO2 as Carbaminohaemoglobin from cells to lungs.
  • Leukocytes
    • Large nuclei
    • No fixed shape & can move between cells and cell walls.
    • Protect the body against infections
    • Produces antibodies
    • Accumulate in large numbers in areas of injury to prevent the spread of bacteria.
  • Blood Platelets
    • No nuclei
    • Plays role in blood clotting.
  • Blood Plasma
    • Transport medium for hormones, blood cells, nutrients and gases.
    • Heat distribution throughout the body.
  • Lymphs
    Tissue fluid that has entered the lymphatic system
  • Blood in the arteries
    Flows at a higher pressure than in the veins
  • Most blood plasma is forced through the capillary walls and lands between the cells
  • Tissue fluid
    The blood between the cells
  • Cells absorb and expel
    1. Absorb O2 and nutrients
    2. Expel CO2 back into the tissue fluid
  • Lymphatic system
    A separate system of vessels that drains the tissue fluid and takes it back to the bloodstream
  • Blood pressure is low in the lymphatic system as there is no pump organ
  • Lymph nodes
    • Lymph glands that act as filters and trap foreign particles
    • Secrete white blood cells
  • When there's an infection
    Lymph nodes swell due to the increase in white blood cells
  • Functions of Lymphatic System
    • Prevents the accumulation of tissue fluid
    • Transports plasma proteins to the blood stream as its accumulation is life threatening.
    • Produce white blood cells and antibodies.